Its about damn time

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Yn's P.O.V

At first I hesitated I looked back at Jacob who had all the grocery bags out of the car he nodded his head and I slowly knocked on the door...

Previously as follows...

There was a brief silence after I had knocked on the door at least five minutes tops and Jacob is probably thinking maybe she's not home but knew she was just trying to find her keys. WAIT WHAT AM I SUPPOSE TA SAY TO HER? (O_O) 


Yn: No ma'am were nothing like that we just wanted to be kind and drop off some groceries to people who needed them.

*Door unlocks and slowly opens*

*The meek old woman looks up and hears the words*

Yn: Hi mom.

There was a pause of silence between the two of us till I put down the bags and placed the cash order check in her hand the look on her face was as if she had pieced everything in an instant.

Yn's Mom: Well you can uh... just drop them off in.... in the kitchen out towards the back.

*Yn goes to the back and standing there were her brothers who ran up to her immediately to embrace her into a hug and crying.*

Jacob: *gets the rest of the bags*

Yn's Mom: Yn can I speak to you on the front porch for a minute?

Yn: *gets up and goes outside*

Yn's Mom: So you finally decided to come back huh you realized cold it it's out here in this big bad world haven't you well it's everything that I said it would be. Don't think that you can just crawl back here after what you selfishly did its too late n(gco)

Yn: Momma I didn't come back here to move back in I just came here to do something to help you out with the boys.

Yn's Mom: Oh and you call just going off on your own and leaving me here and abandoning me with these boys is help well then you've already done just that.

Yn: YOU KICKED ME OUT AND YOU TOLD ME TO LEAVE I NEVER ASKED FOR IT AND I DIDN'T JUST DO THIS ON MY OWN. I have always known what was out here in the world for a very long long long time and I knew that with everything bad out there that what I knew was only the beginning. But I got up everyday and wet to work and continued my life with my head held high cause I knew that If anything bad would to happen to me, I wouldn't try to run and hide and let it take over my life. And that if I die I would have died fearless.

Yn's Mom: Then you would have died a fool. Just to go out there like that and then let it eat you up on the inside and knowing you you would never talk about it with any one.

Yn: Yeah because I couldn't take going through what I had with you, with everybody else.

Yn's Mom: Oh really and what is it that you had to go through with me that you didn't want to go through with everybody else?

Yn: Anything we talking about anything I tell you especially in confidence, you use it against me, I end up pour my self out just to ask you a simple question, or some advice, just to have you to hear me out only to have it thrown back in my face when you upset about something I did. And the best part is it doesn't even have to relate to anything were doing but that is not what I'm here for, I did come here to argue, I did 't come here for this. I came here just to give you and my brothers something without having to mail it. I did what I came here to do an if you don't want to see me again then I'll just be on my way.

Yn's Mom: Wait no wait I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Its Always been just me and you with these boys and this house and I always had somebody trying to look over my shoulder to see if I was ever doing anything wrong with yall. I shouldn't have done that to you and I'm Sorry about Richard I shouldn't have gotten between the two of you the way I did and as many times as I did. He was a good young boy and he was everything I was afraid of. The two of you were so close and I just thought that if her would've proposed you would have been ready to leave and never come back. I look back on that day and realize I was so worried about that happening and yet I made it happen. You were right about a lot of things and you helped your head up high working and that grocery store for two dollars an hour especially with the way your boss treated people. I'm proud of you.

After hearing that I tried my hardest to keep my composer cause I have been waiting so long to hear her say that and after ten whole minutes of hugging she finally asked a question I was hopping she wouldn't ask. 

Yn's Mom: So when are you gonna introduce me to that man that's walking around in my house? Don't worry I won't jump to conclusions I've learned my lesson from that.

Jacob: *takes his cap off and shakes her hand* Jacob Perez it's a pleasure to finally meet you ma'am!

Yn: He's my my boyfriend.

Yn's Mom: Well then why don't you come in and meet what's left of this part of the family?

Jacob's P.O.V

I don't know how long we stayed over there but I can tell that this was a reunion that was long over due I got to talk to her brothers I can tell her family really missed her. I was looking in a photo album when noticed a few baby pictures of Yn and then there was a picture of her all hugged up with some guy. Later on I asked her about it and she told me it was a picture of her ex boyfriend before he died. At the end of the day I took her home and she thanked me, just seeing how she reacted when she saw her brothers was enough thanks for me. I kissed her good bye and then I had to make a phone call to Prince who was covering for me while my parents went to discuss the set up for the Gala.

Phone Convo:

Prince VM: Hey this is Jacob Perez please leave a message after the beep.


Jacob: *gets in car* Aye Jacob it's me hang tight I'm on my way. *hand up phone and drives off*

Meanwhile Princeton P.O.V 


Phone ringing

Princeton: Nope *strokes faster*

Maid: AHHHH Daddy!!!

Princeton: Shit Yn!!!

Maid: What!?!

Princeton: Nothing *switches positions so that she's on top and places his hands on he shoulders so he can force down on his disciples while he trust deeper in side her.

Maid: screaming in pleasure and cums on his dick.

Princeton: *cums* Y*gco says half your name*

Maid: Why do you keep forgetting my name? I know we just met and all but my name is Brandy.

30 minutes later

Jacob's P.O.V

I sneak back into the castle and walks in to the hallway on to see some girl sneak out of my room.

Jacob: Princeton I know I didn't just see some girl walking out of my room.

Princeton: It's  *makes air quotes* my room remember.

Jacob: Well if you were gonna do that couldn't you have done it in yo room?

Princeton: No because you told me to stay in here.

Jacob: Look what ever man but I just gonna say this cus I shoulda been told you this.

Princeton: OK what?

Jacob: You gonna stop calling my girlfriend out her name I've been holdin' out on you cuz you like a brother to me since we was kids man but she ain't no hoe and she ain't non bitch she is my woman. She never did you nothin and she is a great person, now I don't want to loose our friendship over anything but I will deck yo ass if I hear you talking to or about her like that again and thats a promise got it?

Princeton: OK man alright I get it.

Jacob: Good now get somebody in here to clean my clean ma got damn sheets.

Prince Jacob (Previously known as King Jacob)Where stories live. Discover now