Just in the nick of time

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This mornings Convo P.O.V

Yn: I was just think'n about you.

???: Well thank-you how are you this this morning?

Yn: Pretty good just watching a little tv/wispers-shaba no stop that let go of teddy wubby/.

'Prod in the background {'Hey man who you talking to.'}

???: Shhhh

'Prince in the background {'Probably his bitch from last night.'}

???: Shut the hell up.

YN: Um who dat?

???: Who in the background?

Yn: yeah.

???: Oh they just my boys from last night.

Yn Oh Yeah the drunk one and the hyper active one.

???: Close but no.

Yn: Who was that in the background and what did he just call me before I come through this phone and show who he dealing with cuz I know he must be mistaken.

???: Dont worry bout him sweetness he just mad because he got proven wrong last night but anyways I was calling cuz I wanted to make sure you got my surprise from last night.

Yn: I had a feeling you did that.

???: Yeah I owe it to you after all those times I came and never tipped you and after you and me had that dance.

Yn: Thankyou but are you sure you want me to give you back the five hundren dollars I mean that seem like alot epsecially since you gave them two wad of cash to your friends like it was nothing. Come to think of it how do get that kind of money anyways?

???: I'm the princes right hand man remember.

Yn: Oh yeah I for got about that my bad.

???: Its alright sweetness.

Yn: By the way I aint too sure if I got your name last night.

???: Sure it's Jacob. Jacob Perez.

Yn: Ok now I remember.

Jacob: Hey I was wondering if you and I could meet you and get some coffee for a date.

Yn: Sorry Im going job hunting thanks to yo boy but I'll think about it some other time promise bye. *click*

Yn P.O.V

So yeah I was playing hard to get with him he reallly wants a date with me then well see how long he can wait until he convenes me. Although I do know one think that boy was fine like I don't know what and hear his voice almost made me shiver. And he a gentlemen on top of that I would take him in a heart beat but he don't need to know that. Well at least not now but any ways lets see if the papers have anything form me to apply for.* reads Hooters desperately looking to hire someone willing to work the day shift must be at least 5 feet tall!* The deadline for applying here was in two days so I knew I had to hurry before they end up giving that job to someone else so my shopping my work out and walk Shabah and Simba.(at this part I go on and on about my day if you want to skip this then please do) I went into my garage got in the car and drove out now as I'm leaving this lady with one them can I speak to the manager haircuts come chasing after me. At first I'm think who is this what do she what and then I take another good look and it was now of my neighbors Stacy and she one of them nosy neighbors like Julian from despicable me 2.

Prince Jacob (Previously known as King Jacob)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora