This Morning Last Night

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Yn P.O.V 

I woke up and went to the bathroom brushed my teeth, made my breakfast, fed Simba, and Shaba (my pj's are in the external link below) then I realised that forgot all a bout my package my package and my money. While I was eating breakfast I turned on the tv somethin bout the king and queen they was ducking and dodg'in questions bout they son as usual, I got some scissors sand then I made Teddy Wubby look away and snip snip snip snip. I spread everything out all 18,000 dollars and my mysterious 500 dollar tip. BTW the package if yall try'n to be nosy was two bronze rose pocket watches one for me and one for Rosey cuz her birthday coming up in about three days. I was was just minding my own thinkin' about that guy business when my had stared phone ring'n. 

???: Hello may I speak to Yn.

Yn: Speaking. 

???: Remember me from last night?  

Yn: Hey I was just think'n bout you. 


 Mean while last night Jacob P.O.V 

Jacob: So what did yall think? 

They all just started blurting out what they liked at the same time but I guess I can say that they all had the time of the time of their lives. 

Ray: Hey Hey I  got a great idea lets how bout we make this an even better night and lets all hit the strip club. Whats that place Rick Cabaret?

Roc: We just came from the strip club Ray.  

Ray: Oh yeaah!!! That was the fucking best an- Hey I got an Idea lets all go get drunk. Hey Hey HEy Prince I bet I bet I bet I can get drunk faster that than all all of yall. 

Prince: Ray your already drunk. 

Ray: I am *jumps up and down super happy* fucking yes I win WOOH Hey hey all you niggas better fuckin' pay up! 

Prod: Nah man you owe us for all them drinks you had. 

Ej: Yeah man we had to get you off the floor we thought you had passed out.

Ray: Nah whatever man I'm paying for it in the morning. And besided man bro nig nigga who the fuck you talkin to I mean you were bounce off the walls talking bout some OMFG  there girls everywhere and, tryin to touch all on the dancers and chasing them. Man everbody knows you can't be doing that there embarrassin us all man.  

Prod: Hey man I want to know who that girl was that you were dancing with the one with the nice ass.

Jacob: oh that is-

Prince: His worst unforeseen night mare.

Roc, Ej,Prod,Ray: What?  

Jacob: No! Gentle men I have picked a bride.

Ray: Awe really man who is it. 

Prince: That ghetto bitch that he was dancing with.

Jacob: She is not ghetto and Prod yes she dose what do yall think a bout her? 

 Roc: I don't know she seems like she got a bit of an attitude plus she do got a lot of fight in her I was bout to put her on that World Star but she she is slimthick, dark skinned, and she got real hair I would take that on If I were you. 

All the guys agreed. 

Prince: You gettin all hyped a bout some girl you don't even know. 

Jacob: I'm gonna get to know her.  

Prince: Do you even know her name? 

Jacob: Yn and what can I say I like em feisty and besides Prince you saw her tonight man so you know you cant keep thinking that she dosen't have an ass.

Prince Jacob (Previously known as King Jacob)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum