Ooops My Bad

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My P.O.V 

 Ok yall so I bust into the room (see video up top but stop at 00:19)

Yn: Im here. 

 Everybody else: facial expression (O_O). 

 Yn: The heck yall stare'in at, like sombody done died up'in here shoot. 

???: Excuse me miss?  

 I look to my side and see this guy I feel like I mite have seen him before but he had a hat and some shades on plus he didn't  really try to make an effort as to looking me in the eye. But any ways so I was all like yeah and he asked me if I would hop up on this and the he patted his hand down on the chair behind me. So I told him yeah and did so, and yall  right when I did he gently took my shoe off, caringly held my foot,and carefully put on the shoe and did the same thing for the next shoe. Be'in a gentleman and everything his moma most definitely raised him right. Then I got in line with the other maids and then in walks this poofy haired boy. What aye I bet dis the gang blade I think that Rosey must have been talkin  about speaking about her anit she supposed to my watching my supplies? 

???: Hello ladies my name is Jacob but you all can call me Princeton well atleast some of you will be able to.

Omg  yall if my guess work not mistaken that he could be da prince oh I knew it I knew I would have to be like this in front of royalty man I'm embarrassed. He walked past us making all them different types of umm humm sounds the he stood in front of all 18 of us. What makes it even more weird is the way he's looking me all up and down my body, all the other girls are ooo'in & ahhh'in and primping up and I'm over here looking all unimpressed and trying to fix my dress so I don't look like a harlot.

Jacob:  You, you, you, you, you, you, and you (points to me last) please step forward. 

We did as what we where told. 

Jacob: Congratulations you have all been fired. 

We all just feel some shocked at this and the other girls are just all cheering and clapping.  

Yn: Um excuse you Mr. Princeton Jacob what ever the heck yo name is but uh I think nae I know that the seven of us deserve a good dang reason as to why we fired and(gco) 

Jacob: Excuse me you ghetto peasant oh I'm sorry, peasant but I know you are not addressing a person of my stature or very presence in that way. 

Yn: Ok I don't know who you calling ghetto or a peasant but you know what boy I am surely talking to you as to the fact that you owe us an explanation. 

Jacob: Ok (gose to the front side of the line) hate your hair, not likely, yikes, yikes, yikes, (got to me) and let me guess you have a great personality. 

Yn: How dare you? 

Other Girl: Calm down he could be the prince. 

Jacob: I clearly am the prince highness at least some of you will be able to call me Princeton and you really need to stop living dark ages side of town and read and actual book read a books more. And one thing they all have that yall don't have is a size C to DD cup in a bra and we don't have any room for the itty bitty titty committee. 

Yn: Oh Uh Uh I don't give a care who's son you are or even if you are royalty you can't talk to me, her, or any woman  that. 

Jacob: Funny cuz I don't see any ladies or women all I see are some inappropriately dressed little girls. 

Picked girl: Oooh you just got burdened.

Yn: Girl dont even start with me before I come over there and scrape off all the make up off that scrawny brick you call a face, ripped your hair off and give it back to the bald horses  you stole it from then get me a latter so I can climb up there and beat yo fake self the heck up. And you Mr. Kingdom Come high and mighty don't even, boy I don't even want you speaking to me boy which yo cornball nappy head boy, be cus I know. I know that I saw you out of the year national geographic you was coming out yo ugly af 18 year hibernation to bad it didn't do and good for photo shop and filters wont look at you cuz  they loose they whole career, plastic surygens must be turning you down. You gotta air brush yo whole face in yo photos and a word of advice don't focus on the mirror too look or you fry yo brain worse than synthetic meth with you ugly bougie (boo-she rich and snooty). I know one thing yo momma didn't teach you manners but I'm bout to take you to school class is now in session and you need to be looking at the star pupil right over there (points to the boy who helped me with my shoes) cause  the way he treated me I know dang well his moma raised him right.  As I headed for the door that guy opened it for me I told him thank you looked one last time at the prince and turned my nose up at and then turned my nose up at his bougie self plus I gave me my shoes back.     

On my way back into the changing room with the other who by da way all thanked me for sticking up for them, I changed into my clothes changed into my outfit (external link below outfit number three) from out of my duffel bag. and turned in both my uniforms. So as I was heading out I had accidentally too busy listing to music on my phone and I bumped into this guy but I gotta hurry before I miss that carriage to the nearest trolley. 

??? P.O.V 

*bumps into somebody*

Yn: Oops  excuse me I'm so sorry.  

???: Nah pretty lady its ok I'm good. 

Yn: Hey haven't I seen you before.

???: Nah I would never be able to forget a body like that especially your adorable face.

Yn: Well thank you and your all that your self hope I see you around some time. 

???:Me too.  

Damn and I though she looked good in that dress, girl almost had me drooling man mami got a thick ass on her *bites lip while staring at her through his shades. 


Prince Jacob (Previously known as King Jacob)Where stories live. Discover now