You thought it was over

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Jacob: P.O.V

Jacob: I'm just trying to help you but if that how you wanna be? Fine. Chevy don't mess with him come here.(see video) (tries to snatch picture frame back ) 


Jacob: Oh shit im so saaaahhh  what the hell ahhh!  

Simbah: Rahhrrrr! hsss! 

Chevy: Raff raff Raff! 

Shabah: Hoooolllllwww!

Yn: Simbah No! I'll be right back with a first aid kit and something to clean this up with *pick him* Shhh shhhh shhhh!!!

Jacob: Ok cool. *waits till shes gon and then picks up the picture* 

As I look ed at this picture I saw how happy she looked and then when I looked even closer I was right she didn look different in this picture and another one behind it she was she was really thin but why would thish be such a big deal to her I don't understand. I looked ant Shabah And Asked him. 

Jacob: You know whey she didnt want me to see this (showed it to him).

Shabah: Perks up his ears and walks over to a cabinet and pulls a book from underneath it.

Jacob: Whats this? *opens it* Day 1 ok its got her measurements, her weight pictures of her, even when when she was smaller she had ass. I didn't get is at first but then more I skimmed through the pages I saw that she kept track of what she ate, how much she ate, and how fast she ate it, her weight, it and she had picture of other girls and a lot of comment on that read  "still don't look like them".   

Yn:  Ok I got the dust pan and a first aid kit for you * cleans up the mess and then fixes the scrathes that simbah gave him*    

Jacob: Yn you know that I love you form who you are are the inside and that your personality shines soo bright that I would do any thing just to see you smile.  

Yn: Yeah I guess so.

Jacob: Yes or no? 

Yn: Yes. 

Jacob: So please just tell me why are you hiding this from me? 

Yn: Gimme those where did you get that?

Jacob: It dosen't matter I care about you I love you. 

Yn: How much did you see? 

Jacob: Enough to not want you to bottle this all up inside of you any longer why wont you talk about it.

Yn: Because the last guy I was dating he just didn't get ok He  didn't understand and he didn't want to understand just wasn't good enough for somebody who actually took some interest in me ok. *tears up*

Jacob: Yn tell me what happend please I'm here for you I want understand just let me help you... but if you don't want to talk about it then I can just walk out that door and you don't have to ever speak to me again. 

Yn: Wait  ... don't ... don't go.    

Jacob: Come on sit down sit down (see external link below) 

Yn: Back when I was in high school I stared dating this one guy and I though that he ended up being the one we always got along, never really argued and he would always make me feel wanted. But then one day he told me "you need to put some meat on your bones" then it constantly turned into him always told me that always  and growing up I was aware that I was a lot smaller than the all the other girls who all ready had boyfriends and tried I ended up becoming a benge eating. I though that be cause I was this way that this would be the only way people would ever see me. And that nobody would ever love me no matter how good of a person I was too them I would look at my sell I the mirror every day and get sick to my stomach  thinking about how thin I was. When he told me that I hurt and I tried gaining the weight and I never got any bigger. I was scared that I was gonna loose him because of something that I just could change no matter how hard I tried. How when everybody sees me that look at my like I'm anorexic, or that I cant go one day without hearing somebody tell what to shove down my throat like gaining weight would be soo easy. Or having to go to the store just to try on children's clothes and the breakdown and silently cry in the dressing room when then told me I looked. Always having to be looked at as this mean and horrible person just because I weighed a two digit number. I always felt disgusted with my self that I weigh so little and guys would always taking pitty on me, figured if I tried to talk to him about it then he would under stand and we could move on and when I told him how much I weight he laughed at me like it was the funniest joke he had ever heard then told me consider getting plastic surgery. He didn't even know that I was already about to get hospitalized. After that I was through with even trying to consider being just a little bit ok with myself and him I dumped him. (cries a little while she spoke)

Jacob: So that's why you were keeping track of all that stuff and that's why you got to pissed last night? 

Yn: Nods but I never got the surgery Jacob? 

Jacob: (looks at her)

Yn: Can you imagine this sweet innocent and happy little girl  with a smile that could light up the sun and had determination greater than you could every know.

Jacob: Yeah. 

Yn: What is she doing?

Jacob: Shes playing dress up with here dolls having tea parties and then having them in a business meeting *chuclked*. 

  Yn: Is she talented? 

Jacob: Yes.

Yn: Is she kind? 

Jacob:  *smiling* Just like you said the sweetest.

Yn: Is she smart?   

Jacob: Yes. 

Yn: Is she pretty?

Jacob: Beauitful. 

Yn: And what If she wanted plastic surgery for her self when she was older because she knew how much hatred and spite she would get just me cause of how much she weighted. And all ways researched medical books from the library to find out whats wrong with her. And always thought that if where a kind and better looking person than she would be able to be accepted for what she and everyone around her would look like. Or how bout when nobody took her seriously cause they believe that skinny shaming isnt real. Only playing with a baby doll cause people always told her that she could never have kids because her children would starve to death inside or out side of her. Is she still that happy little girl you see on the outside? (slowly cries)

Jacob: No she's a hurt determined grown women who was surround buy the wrong shallow people for almost her entire life. (wipes away a few tears) Until she was able to prove all of them wrong and she didn't for the right reason, for nobody else but her self. That guy wasn't good enough for you anyways if he wanted to change you. You are perfect. I love the way look in the picture and today cause you still the same person the inside and if that little girl was still hear I would (gco)  

Yn: (crying her eye out on his shirt).

Jacob: Ssshh (holds her and rubs his hand down her hair) listen to me listen I would never do that to you I could never be so cold I promise I would never be so cold.   

2 hours later

Jacob: When I opened my eyes I had one of the most beautiful site in the world right in front of me Yn sleeping in my arms and then just when I was getting really comftable I get a text message: 

Text message:

princeton: im coming to get you if your not here in the next 5 min. (40 min ago)

princeton: ok your not here ill try and stall but you seriouly owe me (30 min ago)

princeton We start in the next 10 min (20 min ago)

princeton: Jacob man our parents are really riding on me about why your no here and Im running out of ideas (15 min ago)

princeton: man I dont what the hell is taking u so long to answer back but u better get down here (10 min ago) 

princeton: get your ass down here now! (just now)

I check my watch to see what time is was. 

Jacob: Baby sweetness you gotta wake up I gotta go I'm sorry but I'm later for something with prince and our parents and I just really have to go or else I'm going to be in so much trouble. Chevey come on Chevy!  

Yn: Oh ok well I (gco) 

Jacob: I'll call you later sweetness we really should do this again some time soon. 

Yn: I'll see what I can do. 

Prince Jacob (Previously known as King Jacob)Where stories live. Discover now