94 - Annabelle part two

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The spirit related to the medium and said that it wanted to stay with Angie and Donna and wanted to move into the doll.

Donna felt sympathy for the spirit and allowed it to inhibit the doll. But she didn't know that she was soon going to regret her decision.

That week , Donna found the doll in her room with cuts all over it's mouth. The Doll was ripped.

One night , Donna was awoken at midnight by the sound of a little girl singing .

Donna followed the voice to the bathroom . When she entered the bathroom , the sight made her jaw drop.

Her room mate , Angie was lying dead and on the mirror , was a message written in blood , 'Wanna play ?' And when Donna looked to her right , Annabelle was sitting there smiling widely in the corner with her huge eyes fixed on Donna.

Lou was a friend of Donna and Angie for a long time.

He , however was not really fond of the doll , he would say it's evil and try for Donna to get rid of it.
He sensed evilness in the doll.

But Donna had developed a tie to the doll , and she wanted to keep it despite what Lou said.

One night , Lou jolted awake in terror. He was panting , he looked around for something that would've caused him to wake up suddenly , but nothing . Everything seemed ordinary. He was still out of breath.

He kept looking around until he saw her , Annabelle sitting in the corner of his room staring at him giving him her usual creepy smile.

It slowly got up and started walking towards him , it was like he was paralyzed. He couldn't do anything but widen his eyes with fear.

The doll came near his feet , glided up his feet , moved over his chest , and stopped at his neck . Soon enough , she was strangling him.

After a moment , Lou blacked out.

Next morning , he woke up and then came the memory of what happened last night . He was certain it was not just a nightmare , he knew Annabelle was present in his room.

He decided to permanently get rid of the doll and the evil spirit possessing it.

Lou and Donna were going for a road trip , they were at Donna's apartment.

It was silent until someone from Donna's room broke it. Rustling sounds came from the room , as if someone broke into the apartment.

Lou decided to see what's going on and he entered the room , which was empty except Annabelle tossed in a corner.

Nothing was out of place , you couldn't say anyone broke into the apartment.

He suddenly heard a voice from behind him that caused him to jump in fear and look behind.

But there was no one . He was do sure that there was someone behind him.

In a flurry of motion , he doubled over in pain , as if someone had kicked him hard in the stomach.

He saw that there was blood slowly dripping from his chest , so he opened his shirt and saw 7 sharp claw marks on it.

Annabelle did that , she kept on digging claws on his body , but she was still sitting there.

Claw marks were appearing on his entire body slowly , and Annabelle was just staring sitting in the corner , she was doing all of it though .

Today , the doll has been kept in Warren Occult Museum in
Connecticut. She is housed in a glass cage labeled 'Do not open at any cost'.

According to Mrs Warren, the doll still makes growling noises at some visitors.


I'm updating this at 2 am and I'm scared as fvck rn 😐👻

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