37 - Ghost

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You have to imagine you are in your room which is upstairs if you wanna have fun reading this

Hello. I am a ghost.

You don't believe me right? But you should.

Because I am in your house right now.

And now I am coming upstairs to your bedroom.

You must be wondering how did someone let me in the house.

I did not even ask for their permission. I just came.

In fact, nobody even saw me enter your house. Because I am invisible.

That's normal. Because ghosts are invisible.

Okay. So I finally found out which is your bedroom.

I am just at your bedroom door. Still don't believe me do you?

Did you just see your door open a little bit? No. Fine.

I just entered your room. And you still can't see me.

Right now, I am near your nightstand. If you are on your bed, then I am just beside you.

Turn to your right. I am not there right? Okay. Then turn to your left. Still can't see me?

See! I told you that I am invisible. I proved it.

Did you just feel like someone touched you on your arm? it was me.

And do you know why I came here? To kill you.


Hi! For me, this story is not that frightening. I found it on the Internet.

And yeah, thank you so much for voting on my other stories!

×o×o nancy

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