82 - House rule

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I had finished spring cleaning. I cleaned up every mess in my room. There was no remaining part of my room that was not cleaned.

After all this hard work , I decided I should reward myself with a treat.

So I went to the kitchen leaving the door of my room open. I was choosing what should I eat when I suddenly heard light footsteps of a child coming out from my room.

I turned around and saw nothing. I thought it was my imagination again. I cleaned every corner of my room and there's no way a kid was in there.

Then I heard a giggle next to my leg. I jumped and realized there was no one there. Again.

I suddenly remembered my aunt's warning. I ran as fast as I could to her room and knocked on her door in panic.

I started to hear many giggles in the hallway and I knocked harder.
There was still nobody in the hall.
I also heard eager foot steps approaching.

I pressed my back against the door while my aunt took her sweet time to answer the door. I could also hear footsteps on the wall. Whatever they were , they were coming closer.

"Please open the door ! Th-there's something h-here" I was panicking

Then I hear my aunt dash for the door and it opened in a few seconds. I stumbled in and my aunt slammed the door shut.

" I told you never to turn your back on any door of this house " She raised her voice.

"I didn't think it was a big deal. I thought you were just being weird"

"It isn't my rule honey. It's the rule of the owner of this house"

My aunt and I sat against the door and heard the sound of wet footsteps pressing on the door all night.


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