Neighbor's house

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My family and I had recently moved into a new house . It was a two storey one , really huge.

One thing I noticed was , that my dog , always. And I mean always , kept staring at this room that we could view from my room. It was my neighbor's room .

I never really thought much of it. I just thought my dog had great imagination skills.

Did I ever peep into that room ? Nope . I didn't have any interest in doing so because one , why would I ? And two , our neighbor said that the room's abandoned.

Back to my dog , again. He always kept staring . I would try and get him to do something else , but his gaze was only fixed at that damn room.

I tried to play with him , or give him his favorite dog food , but he'd ignore it , and stare into that room. What the fuck does he find so interesting ?

So this day , I was sleeping comfortably. But some strange voice from the window woke me up. I was half asleep , and I definitely didn't want to get up and check what it was , so I ignored it and shut my eyes again.

But guess what ? It continued. And it was preventing me from sleeping so I finally gave up trying to sleep and got up.

The first thing I saw , my dog. He was still looking over there , instead of sleeping .

I decided to take a look at this 'interesting' room so I walked over to my window.

It took moment for me to take in the sight in front of me. My eyes were wide open. What I was seeing was unbelievable.

I've seen it in horror movies and stuff , but this was actually happening . I pinched myself , this better be a damn nightmare. But no.

In that room , was a girl sitting on an armchair with some kind of book in her pale hands. Her hair ? Wow. She had the longest hair I had ever seen. They were spreaded in the whole room.

But my neighbor said that no one used this room ?

She was pale white , with those long black hair. You know the kind of people that haunt you in your nightmares ?

She realized someone was staring at her and then she looked up from the book. And at that moment I was screwed. I didn't know what to do , when her gaze met mine.

That was the second I realized that she had bright red eyes . This was gonna haunt me for days.

After my 'freezing and not knowing what to do' session , I immediately shut the curtains and started breathing heavily.

What I just saw , was terrible.

I forced myself to sleep , yes I did have nightmares .

Next morning I woke up , and what happened yesterday came into my mind so I opened up the curtains. I was not as scared , because it was not night.

She was not there.

I ran to my neighbor's house to inquire about her. There's no way they're gonna be lying this time.

She opened the door and the first thing I asked was about the ghost girl .

She tried to just 'shrug it off' and tell me it was just some nightmare but it didn't work . I could clearly see it in her eyes.

She sighed and started.

"So you finally know. This was the reason the people who lived in your house before you ran away. I was wondering when you'll find out." She slightly chuckled.

"So the thing is .. um"
"Don't worry , you can trust me" I smiled trying to assure her.
She nodded .

"Our daughter , she was bullied because of her abnormally long hair. She'd be defined as 'odd' or 'weird' because of her hair. We tried to tell her it looked beautiful but she didn't listen"
I nodded , gesturing her to continue.

" She got tired of the whole bullying , and she started to hate herself. So she committed suicide in that room. We were shocked when we found out.
After a few days , people who lived in your house started to tell us that they would see a girl with long black hair in that room , so we found out . Her spirit haunts everyone . So we locked the room , abandoned it. We never went inside that room , she still lives there."


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