72 - Our new home

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A few years ago , my family had to move into a completely new house.

It was a bunglow. It was a good one.

We used to live in a crowded city but I guess my mom wanted to live somewhere more peaceful .

Plus , me and my twin sister were children at that time. So maybe our parents did it because of our safety.

The house had a kinda creepy basement , three rooms and one bathroom.

The only thing that bothered me was the back rooms. They were scary.

I didn't know what it was but I didn't like my new home. I always felt really strange about it.

One night , when I told my mom , she told me it's nothing. She told me not to get worried about it and go to bed.

As I was a child , I had to do what she said. So I went to bed.

While I was waiting for my mom to come to my room and read me my bedtime story, I took a look in my closet.

There ! I saw it. It smelt like burning meat and it was hell tall. It had bright orange eyes that frightened me.

I screamed and ran downstairs to my parents. They told me to calm down and tell them what happened.

I told them that there was a man in my closet so my dad went to my room to check.

He came back downstairs and told me that there was no-one.

Ever since I've moved into this house , I've always had nightmares and have woken up crying many times.

And sometimes , I even feel my feet being dragged out of my bed and I can also hear it whispering things to me.

Years later ,My mom knew that this is happening but she acted like it's normal

Every family member that had visited our house told my mom that they saw something in the corner.

They mom started crying. "I know something is wrong . It wants my two children ! " she screamed.

Then she showed us a photo of me and my twin sister. We looked quite happy and their were smiles on our faces.

But the only thing wrong with the picture was that there was a burned handprint on our shoulders.

We moved out of the creepy house in 2015

But the worst part is , I still feel it's after me.



The story credits go to @Awoken_Dead50 . This happened to her/him before so yeah. Thankyou for dm-ing me (lol is that even a word?)

Thanks for reading × ☺

Xoxo Nancy ♡

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