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Eric , a 12 year old boy , and his family were moving in to a new house.

They entered their new house . Eric was filled with excitement. He couldn't wait to go upstairs and see his room , explore the huge house , and then the neighborhood.

But as soon as he saw something , all of his excitement faded .

He saw a shadow , at the window staring at him and his family from the outside. It looked like a tall man . The only color he saw was bright red , that were its eyes.

He screamed and when his parents came up running to him , he told them what he just saw and pointed at the window.

His mother shrugged it off and told him to forget about it , not believing him.

That night , when Eric was sleeping , he kept seeing the same shadow from earlier in his dreams.

He shifted a bit , and tried to get rid of that image in his head , but it wasn't happening.

This time , it said something.

leave it.

leave this house.

something really bad will happen if you don't.

this is your last warning.

He woke up with a jolt , and breathed heavily.

But he was relieved it was just a dream , not real.

When he took a glance at his left arm , he saw it was covered in bruises. They seemed recent. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. Who could've done this ? They weren't there the whole day.

When he looked at his right arm though , he cringed at the sight.
There was a message written on it with blood.

leave , or die. your choice eric. :)

He couldn't do anything about it , since it was early morning. And even if he told his parents right now , they would ask him why he was up until almost 3 am.

So , he just tried to sleep again.

After he got out of his bed the next morning , the only thing in his mind was to tell his parents about what happened.

He took a look at his arms , and all the bruises , the message too , had disappeared.

how could this even be possible ?

Thinking that his parents won't believe him again , he just went off to school. But he had a plan for finding out whatever he wanted to know about the house.

After school , he got on his computer and did research on the house that he currently was in.

Then it all came together.
A man named Eminem Scott , lived in the house before his family moved in. But he had been murdered by a serial killer .

This time he didn't care if his parents believed him or not. He just wanted to tell them the truth.

So he went up to them , and told them whatever had happened to him after they moved in.

He tried to tell them about the bruises but as soon as he started , his parents started yelling at him.

They didn't believe him at all , and they thought it was a joke.

But that thought didn't last for long , cause suddenly the vase on the table rose in the air and hit his dad on the shoulder.

Without having a second thought , Eric's parents grabbed Eric and ran to the car . His dad started driving the second they got inside.

When the family was driving away, Eric took a glance back at the house.

He saw the shadow , still staring , from the inside of the house.


this is like ... the only story with a happy ending... ¿

but , eminem 😏

i changed the story , kinda. hope you like this version of it cause the old one is just .... ew.


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