91 - Scary things kids say

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My little daughter usually had nightmares. One day , she woke up panting and screaming. I calmed her down by saying " Shh Mommy's here , it's okay. " She suddenly looked behind my shoulder and said . " But mommy , who's that behind you? "

My friend's child told him , " Daddy , I love you so much that I want to cut your head off and carry it around so I can see it whenever I want "

My three year old daughter was cuddling with her grandmother. She suddenly took her face in her hands and stared straight into her eyes and said " You're very old and you will die soon " . Then she made a point of looking at the clock.

A six year old boy said " Mama , when you die , I want to put you in a glass jar so I can see you forever. His younger sister said " That's stupid. How are you ever gonna find a jar that big? "

My 5 year old cousin once drew a picture of a hideous, black monster. She looked at me and said " He .. this is what he looks like , h-he's coming for you. You better h-hide "

One night , I overheard my five year old daughter talking to someone in her room. I poked my head inside and asked her " Are you talking to me? " " No " She replied. "I'm talking to the boy that lives in my closet ... he's dead "

My son told me that there is a woman watching her and she sleeps on the ceiling of her room. He also said that the woman doesn't like me and wants to eat my heart.

My mother told me that when I was a child , I always used to ask her how it was like to die. She said she didn't know. And one day I said , "Nevermind mom , I'll find out when I'll be 21." Then , I realized tomorrow's my 21st birthday .


All of these are from scaryforkids.com. ☺



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