36 - Carmen Winstead

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The story of Carmen Winstead is an urban legend about a 17 year old girl who was pushed down a sewer opening by 5 girls she thought were her friends. A boy named David Gregory died when he did not pass on the chain message.


Carmen Winstead was 17 years old when her parents decided to move to Indiana.

Her father had lost his job and they had to move to a new country to find a new job.

The relocation caused a lot of trouble for Carmen as she had to leave all of her friends behind and go to a whole new school.

She had a hard time making friends when she changed schools.

It was the middle of school year and most of the students had no interest in being friends with the new girl.

But somehow, she got some friends which were a group of 5 girls. She thought they were her friends but they actually were not.

They would always talk about her behind her back and make fun of her.

When one day Carmen went to confront them, they told her that they were not her friends anymore and started bullying her.

They would call her names and write bad stuff on all of her notebooks.

'Go and die bitch. Nobody needs you in this world' would be written on Carmen's locker everyday.
They would throw food in her bag pack.

She was really tired of being bullied and one day, she decided to complain to the teacher about those 5 girls.
But it was too late for her.

After break, the whole school was called out for fire drill practice. The 5 girls thought that this was a perfect time to embarrass Carmen.

Everyone in the school was standing there for the fire drill. The girls started the plan.

They first started surrounding Carmen who was standing near a sewer entrance. She became a little scared and they smirked. The girl standing behind her pushed her forcefully and Carmen fell in the sewer with her head down.

The 5 girls laughed at her and then everyone started giggling.

But after sometime the laughing stopped because Carmen did not come out of the sewer.

Some teachers went to check if she had got hurt. But they could not clearly see her.

Police was called and the girls who had pushed her started to worry a little. All they wanted to do was embarrass Carmen in front of the whole school.

When the police came, they told everyone to step aside and checked in the sewer.

They found out that Carmen's face had been torn off, her neck had been snapped and her body was in a really bad condition. You would not want to look at her.

And most importantly, she was neither moving nor breathing that meant she was dead.

They informed the school that she was dead. The girls could not believe what they had done but they felt a little good that Carmen was dead.

What did Carmen do to them? Nothing. She just wanted to be their friend.
What did they do to Carmen? They killed her. They did not mean to, but they did.

The police made everyone stay there to ask them about Carmen. When the girls were asked, they lied to them that she accidently fell into the sewer and they did not have anything to do with her death. They lied.

Everyone believed that it was nobody's fault and the case was closed. Everyone forgot about Carmen.

But after a few days, those five girls started receiving strange unknown emails.

The emails said 'they pushed her' and 'admit it. You have pushed me.'
Also , 'if you don't say the truth, you will be dead'

They wondered who sent them these emails.

One day, one of the girls was in the shower and she heard a creepy laughter. And then somehow, she was found dead the next day.

This happened to all of the girls who had pushed her.
And also started happening to the people who did not believe that they pushed her.

If you believe that she was pushed and are against bullying, then it's good.

But if you don't believe that and bully everyday, get ready to die.

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