33 - Baby sitting

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I am so happy! Yay!!!

I finally got a way to earn money!
I wanna buy a new phone so I need a lot of money for that.

And I don't have the money! So I decided to get a job for a week and earn some money to buy me new phone.

So one week ago, I told this family who lives in my neighborhood that if they need a girl for a job, then they can call me.

And finally! A few minutes ago, I received a call from the Johnson family that they are looking for a job.

The job was to babysit their children for one week.

Babysitting for me, is one of the best jobs in the world cause all you have to do is handle the children nicely.
Be nice to them and they be nice to you. That is the easiest job in my opinion.

I said yes to them. They were gonna give me enough money to buy my new phone.

I am gonna go there today evening and start. Mrs Johnson and Mr. Johnson are going out on a vacation for 1 week. So till then, I am gonna babysit their children

There are 3 children. The eldest is a girl named Flora. She is 11. Then is James who is 7 and then cute Ellie who is 4 years old.

I am gonna have fun babysitting. Or atleast I thought so.

*At 8:00 pm*

"Hello Jenna" Mrs. Johnson greets me after she opens the door.

"Hello Mrs. Johnson!" I say .

She tells me to come inside. I see the house and it is really huge. I have always seen their house as I am their neighbor, it looks big from outside but from inside it's much bigger.

I don't know why but I feel kinda uncomfortable in the house when I enter. But I don't think about that and just admire the house.

Mrs. Johnson shows me around her house and it's so good.

When I enter any bedroom, the light switches on automatically. I think that is cool. The house is decorated nicely.

She shows me James' and Ellie's room which is so cute. It's blue and pink together. Half of the room is James' and half is Ellie's.

She shows me Flora's bedroom which is beautiful too.

She also takes me to my room which is really simple but it's decorated. I think it's their guest room or something.

I am gonna have so much fun living here.

"Take care of the children, the house and yourself. Be safe." Mr. Johnson tells me. I nod my head yes with a smile.

At night, I put the children to bed and went to my room to sleep.

Suddenly, I heard a noise from the living room. It's like someone is there in the living room.

I got a bit scared so I went to the living room to see what was actually happening there.

I see nobody in the living room. I maybe have heard the wind or something. So I go back to sleep.

Again, I hear the same noise. What is this all about? I avoid it and again go back to sleep.

There is no more noise the whole night. And I fall asleep.

At 5:00 am, when I woke up, to send the kids to the school, I was in the living room and I got a phone call on my mobile. It was an unknown number.

I picked it up and said Hello but there was no one on the other line.

This thing happened with me at least 6 times now.
I was kinda scared.

After I send the kids to school and I am alone in the house, I was watching TV.

Suddenly, the TV went off. How did that happen? The electricity was sill there.

I called Mrs. Johnson and told her about the events. She only said me to not worry about it and also that she would explain it to me when she comes back.

I received many phone calls, heard strange noises from the living room and sometimes it even felt like sombody was behind me sometimes through the week.

Finally , it was the day when they would return and I would finally get out of this mysterious house.

There is a knock on the door and I know that it is Mr. And Mrs. Johnson.

I open the door and they ask me how was the babysitting.

I said "I enjoyed babysitting  your children . They are really good and friendly. But I kinda felt strange in this house. I mean that the lights would go on and off many times and I got calls on my mobile and your land line many times from an unknown number who would not talk to me."

They sighed and replied "Yes. This has been happening since two weeks in our house with us too."

"When we called the owner of the house to tell us what's wrong, he said that this is a haunted house."

"We are gonna move out of this house soon because we don't want our children to die."

"There have already been 8 deaths in this house. People don't know the reason why. But it starts from unknown phone calls"


Hello! Here's a new update.

I don't find this story 'that' scary obv because it's written by me. 😧

And I always thought of the movie when a stranger calls while I was writing this story.
It's kinda similar. Don't you think? No? Okay.

Xoxo Nancy.

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