22 - Clap Clap!

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There was a husband and a wife who came for mountain climbing in deep mountains.

But after some time they were lost.

The wife was worried but the husband comforted her and told her they will be fine.

They roamed and roamed until the found a house.

The house looked old and not cleaned at all.

They turned the door knob and the door cracked open.

When they went inside,the house was in a full mess. It looked like nobody had lived in the house for a long time.

So they went upstairs, and they entered the bed room.

It smelled very bad.

They slept on a little small bed that was there.

At midnight, they were awoken by a noise.

The wife was really scared so the husband asked "Is anyone there?" There was no answer.

The wife said that maybe it was someone who could not speak.

The husband then said " okay, clap one time for yes and two times for no"

"Are you the owner of this house?"
" Clap "

"Are you a man?"
"Clap Clap"

"Are you a woman"
"Clap Clap"

"Are you human"
"Clap Clap"

Are you one or with many? Clap once for every person"

" Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap"


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