31 - 8 feet tall part two

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It was 9:00 pm and I still could not hear her or see her.

I was watching TV when suddenly...

I heard a knocking on my window. Someone wanted to come in.

I knew that it was her. I knew she wanted to come in and kill me.

I couldn't see her because before going, grandpa and K-saan covered both the windows with newspapers.

When I heard the tapping, I increased the TV volume trying to ignore it.

But it got louder and louder until I was so irritated that I closed my ears tightly.

After sometime the tapping sound went but then I heard her sound.

"Po... po... po... po..." "po... po... po... po..."

No way! I again closed my ears and turned the TV volume as high as I could and tried to avoid the creepy sound.

I was feeling like I'm gonna die.

After sometime, it stopped and there was no sound after that.

I was relieved now. But then something happened, again.

I heard a knock on the door. First I thought it was grandpa or K-saan but then I remembered K-saan's words.

She said that she will try to pose as your relatives and try to come inside the room but I did not have to let her in.

She kept on knocking on the door but I did not open.

I took a glance at the 4 bowls of salt and they were turning black!

As she banged on my door harder, the salt was turning black slowly.

And finally the salt turned fully black and I thought that now I was in trouble.

But when they turned fully black, the banging on the door suddenly stopped.

And I was feeling so scared right now.
I was covered with sweat and I was shaking. All I could think about was how she was trying to come inside the room.

And I fell asleep after that and thankfully there was no sound to wake me up at midnight.

When I woke up, I saw the time and it was 8:13 am. So I was kind of proud of myself that I did not let her in or come outside the room. I did it!

But this was not over yet. I knew I was going to die in a week.

I got out of my room and went downstairs and saw my grandparents sitting on the couch with K-saan.

As soon as they saw me, they said " Good job! you survived it"

After that they told me to get ready in my room. Apparently, we were going out to save my life

So I went and got ready and came back.

K-saan, grandpa and grandma surrounded me and led me to a black van.

I was confused. Why were they putting me in a black van? Are they kidnapping me ? Shut up.

As if K-saan was reading my mind, she answered my question.
She said " This is where you will face her once again."

After I went inside the van, I was surprised because all of my relatives were present there.

K-saan said, "Hachisakusama tries to pose as your relatives. Right? So now we have all of your relatives in this van. Now, she has to show herself."

I literally had to sit in the middle of everyone.

Then one of my relatives said to me "You can see her. But we can't. But don't worry. Just keep your eyes dead shut until we have safely got out of here."

K-saan handed me a new piece of parchment and told me to hold it tightly.

Grandpa was driving and K-saan was also sitting in the front.
Grandma, me and all of my relatives were sitting in the back.

Then the van started to move. Grandpa was driving really slow.

*after a few minutes*

Suddenly, K-saan said " This is where it gets harder. Get ready and be prepared" She muttered a prayer under her breath.

Before I got time to think, I heard the familiar voice.

"Po... po... po... po... po..."

I held the parchment tightly in my hands. I kept my head down, but peeked outside.

I saw a white dress fluttering in the breeze. It was moving along with the van.

It was Hachisakusama. She was outside the window. But she was keeping pace with us.

Then she suddenly bent down and peered into our van with her unusual large eyes.

"No!" I screamed.

My uncle who was sitting behind me shouted " CLOSE YOUR EYES! DON'T LOOK AT HER "

I immediately shut my eyes as hard as I could and increased my grip on the piece of parchment. That's when the tapping begin on the window.

"Tap... tap... tap... tap... tap..."

It became louder and louder.

Now, tapping was on all the windows of the van. All my relatives were worried . They could neither see hachisakusama nor hear her voice. But they all could hear the tapping on the window.

K-saan started saying prayers louder and she started shouting them.
The tension in the van right now was unbearable.

After a while, the tapping stopped.

K-saan looked back at us and said "It's over now. We're safe. Good job"

Everyone in the van sighed of relief.

The van pulled over to the side of the road and stopped. I got out.
My grandpa thanked all the relatives.

K-saan came to me and asked me to show her the piece of parchment she had given me. It had turned completely black.

That day, my grandparents booked a flight for me to go back home to my parents. They knew about it because my grandparents told them already.

After my flight, when I was in the car with my parents, my father said that he had heard about 8 feet tall. A friend of his had been liked by her 15 years ago and disappeared. He was never seen again.

* after 10 years *

My grandparents have died of cancer.

And I have completely forgotten about eight feet tall.

I have never went to Japan again.

I got a phone call. It's location was Japan. I picked it up a little nervously.

On the other line I could only hear a voice saying ,

"Po... po... po... po... po..."

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