62 - the scarecrow

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There was an old farmer in Arizona who owned the best farm in the area.

Everyone loved his farm and people came from all over the world to buy his crops.

Whenever people asked him how he managed to get such good crops, he would say it's all because of his scarecrow.

"my scarecrow helps me alot " he said. " he makes sure no pests came near my crops "

The farmer has built the scarecrow himself. It was a fearsome sight.

He spent days working on it to make it look as scary as possible.

He gave it enormous straw arms which stretches out till 6 feet and long legs that made it look as tall as a tree.

The scariest thing about it was its face. He carved it out of a pumpkin.

He spent countless days on that horrible face to make it look perfect.

It's new is so grotesque and ugly that the farmer himself was sometimes scared to look at it.

But it was quite effective. It scared away every rodent and Bird that came .

The nearby farm was owned by two brothers named Josh and Harold.

That were really lazy and did not spend any time working on their crops.

As a result , they had the worst crops in town.

They were jealous of the farmer's crops and were always plotting against him.

They wanted him out of business so that they could take his farm and become rich.

So one day, they decided to sneak into the farmer's farm.

They stole his prized scarecrow and brought it to their house where they locked it in an old closer where nobody could find it.

Next day, the farmer woke up to his scarecrow missing and all his crops been eaten by rats and crows .

He fell to his knees and started to get knowing that his farm would soon be out of business.

Meanwhile, the brothers were laughing at the poor farmer.

Hearing the laughter , the farmer went to them and asked them if they know where was his scarecrow.

The brothers said that they had no idea where it was.

"But if I run out of business, I need to sell my farm. You know that right?"

"Thats just your tough luck. Isn't it?" Josh laughed.

"It sucks to be you!" Harold said.

The old farmer slowly walked back to his house with his head down in defeat and depression.

That night , Josh and Harold could not sleep because they had the terrible image of the scarecrow in their heads.

They thought that would never be able to sleep with that pumpkin in their house so that decided to Throw it.

Josh took the scarecrow out of the closet and Harold beat it with a baseball bay into pieces.

They picked up the head pieces , threw them away and went back to bed peacefully.

Sometime after midnight, they were awoken by a sound of scratching and clawing on their bedroom door.

"Did you forget to put the dog in?" asked Harold.

"W-w-w- we don't have a dog! " stammered Josh.

Suddenly the bedroom door opened a bit and a long straw arm sneaked in through the opening.

Then a second arm came. Then, two stick long legs came in.

The brothers couldn't help but be frozen and stare in horror at the headless scarecrow's body in their bedroom.

Its long arms reached out for the brothers in darkness.

Harold felt a cold, straw arm hold his ankle and he let out a scream.

He begged Josh to help him but Josh was already running out of the room.

Josh ran out of the room to the front door, and then to the moonlit road. Everything was dark.

He ran as fast as he could. Puffing and panting, screaming for help.

He passed his neighbour's house where he saw the old farmer standing near the front door staring at him and smiling.

Josh kept running.

When he turned around for a second, he saw something that scared him to his soul.

He saw the scarecrow running behind him. It was gaining him. Closer and closer...

And that wasn't all he saw.

He saw that the scarecrow's head had been replaced by a brand new head.

It was Harold's head.


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