38 - Knock Knock

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I am in my bed, ready to sleep.

I turn and turn until I find a comfortable position to sleep.

I close my eyes and think about peaceful thoughts.

After working continously for 9 hours, I finally get to relax.

Suddenly, my mind is filled with horror. Negativity. I start having bad thoughts.

I don't know why. But my heart just skips a beat when I hear a knock on the glass window.

I can't see who is knocking because I am facing the wall with my back to the window.

Maybe it was my imagination. Or some person trying to play a prank on me?

I ignore it and try to fall asleep as fast as I can so I don't hear the knock again. But no.

"Knock. Knock"

Who is this? I am definitely not gonna turn back because I am hell scared right now.

Oh wait. It can also be some children playing around at night and playing pranks with everyone by knocking on their window.

"Knock knock"

Oh no. I just say this to myself: they are outside and I am inside so there is absolutely nothing they can do to me.


"Knock knock"

Not at all. It can't be the children. They won't wait this long to see someone's reaction.

"Knock knock"

What the actual hell is this? Is there any sound I hate more than knocking right now?no.

"Knock knock:

I am so irritated right now that I need to turn back.

I slowly turn back and I freeze with fear.

It is a man standing there with a knife grinning at me.


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