Chapter 53 Brothers in arms

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“From now until the end of the World,

We and it shall be remembered.

We few, we band of Brothers.
For he who sheds his blood with me

Shall be my brother.


-          King Henry V, Shakespeare



Kankuro held his sister in a tight embrace. “I don’t know whether to hit you or congratulate you,” he said. He let go of her and sighed. “How are you Taryn?”
She smiled at him weakly. “I’ll be fine.”

“So, I’m gonna be an uncle huh.”
“In a few months,” Taryn nodded.
A slow smile crept on Kankuro’s face and he kissed her cheek. “You make sure to stay out of danger, understand? Make sure nothing’s gonna happen to that little brat.”
Taryn sighed. Both of them knew that was going to be an impossible task with the upcoming battle.
“Where’s Temari?” she asked.
“Out there, registering all the shinobi that came in from Suna.”
Taryn nodded. “I need to talk to my Genin,” she said.

The three boys gulped nervously.
“Don’t be too hard on them,” Kankuro whispered before leaving.

Taryn turned to her students and gave them a tired look. “What am I to do with you three?” she sighed.
“We want to fight,” Daro said, “we want to stay here and help.”

“This is no regular mission,” Taryn told them, “war is an ugly business and no place for Genin.”
“We are shinobi of Suna,” Daro said, “this concerns us too. We have every right to defend our homes and families. We want to fight.”
“Well you’ll have your chance,” Taryn told them, “as much as I would like to send you home to your families, who are very concerned by the way, we can not spare the shinobi right now to escort you. You’re going to have to stay here. And trust me, you’ll wish you had stayed home soon enough.”
The boys looked at each other guiltily. “We’re sorry, sensei,” Kuro muttered, “we didn’t mean to worry our parents, we just wanted…”
“I know,” Taryn said, “I know you meant well. But you shouldn’t have done it either way. As a shinobi, sometimes you get orders you don’t understand. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t follow them. I could have been on a secret mission. By coming after me, you could have jeopardized it. If I tell you not to follow me, I do that to protect you. Not because I think you’re not up to the task.”

“But you left a note,” Hiro said, “so you weren’t on a mission.”

“You still should have listened to the Kazekage,” Taryn told them, “he told you to stay in the village, but you disobeyed.” The boys stared at the floor. “I want you to promise me something,” Taryn continued, “if you want to stay here and fight in this war, then you will listen to your superiors and accept whatever task you are given whether you like it or not. Without any protests. Is that clear? It’s not just your own life that’s on the line. And there is a good chance that you won’t be in the same division. You’ll have to work with whomever you are assigned to.”
They looked a little uncertain as if only now they realized they might not see each other again for a long time.

“Now,” Taryn said, “Are you still willing to fight?”
“Hai, sensei,” the three of them nodded.
“Okay,” Taryn said, “then go report for duty.”

“Sensei,” Kuro asked softly, “I saw my sister earlier. May I go see her? I want to know if my family is alright.”
Taryn nodded. “Yes of course. Hurry already.”
She watched them leave and sighed. They were still so young. After this war that would be different. Everything would be different.

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