Chapter 70 Something worth living for

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Day 3 of the second month
First year of the Great Peace
From Gaara Sunake, Fifth Kazekage of Suna
To the Council of Kumo

Please receive the requested shipment of brick for the rebuild of the village. We hope it will be restored to its former glory soon.


Sasuke stared at the small gravestone in front of him. He wasn’t sure how long he had been standing here, but the sun was already setting. The hot desert day made room for the much cooler night and a breeze ruffled his hair.

It was quiet here, a corner of the village, a little walk away from the town’s center. No one would bother him here, not even Taryn who was probably inside the house.
They had arrived in Suna three weeks ago, but it already seemed like a lifetime.
Sasuke gritted his teeth. His eyes moved towards the rock wall behind the grave. A hitai-ate with the Konoha symbol dangled from a kunai dagger, catching and reflecting the last sunbeams of the day. It was a silent reminder of his brother’s sacrifice.
He still didn’t like it much to be confined to Suna, but after three weeks of fighting, he had decided to accept it. That didn’t mean he was going to be nice. He still didn’t like Taryn. That was something that would likely never change. But her child was another matter. It was his brother’s child, his only family. It was worth it.


“Are you sure we have everything?”
Daro looked at the nervous girl walking beside him. He shifted the bag in his arms. “Don’t worry. I double-checked. And my mom put in some extra stuff.”
Kuro chuckled softy. “Don’t worry Casey, Sensei doesn’t really care about things like that.” He looked ahead at the two storey house down the road. The Kazekage had it build for his sister so the villagers wouldn’t run into Sasuke Uchiha all the time. It was for the best, but he didn’t like it that she was so isolated. Kuro didn’t trust Sasuke at all and neither did his friends.
“I feel kinda nervous,” Casey whispered. She only knew Taryn by reputation and not all of it was good.
“Don’t be,” Daro assured her, “Taryn-sensei is really great. You’ll like her.”
“Too bad Hiro-kun couldn’t come with us,” Casey said, “I hope he’ll be better soon.”
“The medics told him to take rest. The journey home from Lighting Country took a toll on him, but he’ll be fine, you’ll see.” He pushed against the fence around the garden and let Casey through.
He glared at the male in the garden, but Sasuke had his back towards him.
A hand fell on Daro’s shoulder. “Don’t start anything,” Kuro whispered, “he hasn’t bothered anyone since he arrived.”
“Yet,” Daro muttered.
“Hey,” Taryn’s voice greeted them, “what brings you here?”
Daro whipped around startled, almost dropping the groceries he was carrying.
Kuro chuckled softly. “What was that?”
“Shut up,” Daro muttered.
Casey bowed at Taryn. “Taryn-sama.”
Taryn nodded at her. “You must be Casey.”
Casey gave a shy nod.
“We came to drop off some groceries,” Kuro spoke.
“Yeah,” Daro agreed. His face was still a bit flustered.
“Right,” Taryn said skeptically, “well, come in then.”
The three followed her into the kitchen. “Didn’t Hiro come with you?” Taryn asked.
Daro shook his head. “No, the medics told him to get a lot of rest, so now his mother won’t let him out of the house.”
Taryn bit her lip to keep from laughing. She had met Hiro’s mother. There was no chance of him sneaking away as long as she was watching him.
“Let me do that sensei,” Kuro said when Taryn started unpacking.
“I’m pregnant,” Taryn said, “ not made of glass,”  But she allowed Kuro to take over. Together with Casey he stored everything in the cupboard.
“My mother told me to give you these,” Daro said awkwardly. He handed Taryn a bag.
Taryn curiously unpacked it. A baby blanket and some baby socks came out. “They’re vey nice,” she said, “tell your mother I said thanks.”
Daro nodded solemnly.
Taryn smiled and gave him a one armed hug. “Casey seems nice,” she said.
Daro’s cheeks turned red. “I guess,” he muttered embarrassed. He took a deep breath and looked at Taryn hesitantly. “Are you alright, sensei? I mean…”
Taryn smiled at him, but before she could say anything Sasuke entered the house. He didn’t look at anyone as he made for his room.
“Are you hungry yet?” Taryn asked him, “I’ll make some dinner.”
Sasuke didn’t respond and just walked on.
“Hey!” Daro shouted at his retreating back, “she’s talking to you!”
“Leave it Daro,” Taryn said. She was used to Sasuke’s behavior. In all the time they’d been in Suna, he’d barely spoken more than three words to her. All she received was grunting and scoffing.
Sasuke sneered at Daro and slammed the door to his room.
“Why do you let him treat you like that?” Daro glared at the door, “he should be grateful that you saved his ass. If it hadn’t been for you, he’d have been executed.”
“Leave him alone,” Taryn said. She rested a hand on the boy’s head. “so what have you been up to?”
“I’m helping my parents with the shop,” Daro answered, “it’s been real busy.”
Taryn nodded. “I’m sure it is.” She looked at Kuro. “How about you? It must be busy with all the messages going back and forth between the nations.”
Kuro nodded. “It is, Kirigakure has even asked to send some newly trained messenger birds over to them, since they know Suna has the best hawks of all shinobi villages.”
“Kuro-kun has been helping with the training,” Casey chimed in.
“Really?” Taryn asked.
Kuro looked down shyly. “My dad is teaching me.”
“That’s good Kuro. There probably won’t be any missions for a while. You’ll need something to keep you busy.”
“I know.”
“But remember to keep training. You’re Chuunin now and even though we’re at peace now, it won’t last.”
“Yes sensei… I mean… “ He looked unsure.
Taryn smiled. “Sensei is fine.”
“We have to go,” Daro said, “are you sure you’re okay? Do you need anything?”
Taryn laughed softly. “I’m alright. Thank you for checking on me.”
“We’ll be back tomorrow,” Daro said a little louder than necessary.
“If you come early,” Taryn said, ignoring the threat Daro had directed at Sasuke, “we can have lunch together.” She smiled at Casey. “Will you come too?”
Casey stared at her stunned. “I .. I would be honored, Taryn-sama.”
“Good. Then I’ll see you again tomorrow.”

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