Random Note 6 Jutsu

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“Ryoki” or “Dragon breath” is also know as the Desertstorm-jutsu. To perform it you need to find the perfect balance between wind and fire and then combine it into an attack. When performed correctly, it had the same impact as the Amaterasu, only it is not as accurate. Where the Amaterasu only burns what it is directed at, the Ryoki can scorch an entire field. Tough it is highly effective, it can only be used against long-range fighters and it requires a lot focus. It is hard to use on moving targets too. Taryn doesn’t use it in every fight, because it needs a long preparation time and it uses up a huge amount of chakra. Ryoki is Taryn’s signature jutsu.



Random facts

Taryn used to be very punctual due to her father’s training, but when she started training with Kakashi, she took over some of his habits. One of them being losing track of time.

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