Chapter 7 Birds

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Kakashi poured her a cup a sake and sat down next to her on the couch. Taryn turned and swung her legs over his and leaned against his chest. She sighed and made herself comfortable in is arms. Kakashi handed her the cup. “Here you go. To calm your nerves.”
        “You just want to feed me drunk so I’ll sleep with you,” Taryn smirked. She leaned her head against his shoulder and fumbled with his collar. Kakashi lazily toyed with her hair and placed a soft kiss in it. Taryn closed her eyes and buried her face in his neck. She pulled herself closer to him and felt his arms lock around her. Taryn reached up to his face and pulled his mask down. Kakashi looked at her in wonder.
Taryn placed a finger on his lips and he noticed a tear in the corner of her eye.
        “Ah, don’t cry.” He leaned her back on the couch and brushed it away. Taryn pulled his head down and kissed him. “You don’t have to do this,” Kakashi said softly.
“Don’t talk,” Taryn whispered and kissed him again. Carefully, Kakashi answered the kiss. He felt wet tears in his neck as she pulled him even closer. Gently, he untangled her hands from behind his neck and lowered them. He sighed as he noticed her uncertain look. She searched his face, trying to find a reason behind his rejection.
“Are you leaving again?” he softly asked. The question took her by surprise and she was silent for a moment.
“… not… tonight,” she finally said.
Kakashi nodded and kissed her wrist and then her lips. “Okay.”


Kakashi sighed when Taryn crawled closer in his embrace, a content smile on her face. He had missed her. He hadn’t known just how much until now. His finger circled her bare shoulder and he planted a soft kiss in her hair.  He felt her smile against his chest and her leg moved over his hip. She leaned her chin on her fist and looked at him, a sorrowful look in her eyes. “I’m sorry,” she whispered.
“Hn? For what?”
Taryn sighed and averted her eyes. “For being so selfish.”
Kakashi locked his arms around her. “You’re not selfish Taryn.”
“Yes I am.” She looked at him sadly.
Kakashi sighed and brushed aside her hair. “Don’t apologize,” he said.
“I just… I don’t want to lead you on.”
Kakashi shook his head. “You’re not. You never made me any promise. And I won’t ask for one. I love you.”
“Don’t… say that,” Taryn sighed and pulled away from him. His words only made her feel more guilty.
Kakashi gently pulled her head down and kissed her temple. “You worry too much.”
        Taryn sighed again and leaned her head back down on Kakashi’s chest. The Chuunin Finals were tomorrow. She worried about her siblings, Orochimaru was still on the run and was likely to make his move tomorrow and then there was another matter.
“Are you concerned about facing your father tomorrow?” Kakashi asked.
Taryn narrowed her eyes. “My father only has three children. He made that very clear last time I saw him.”
“There is something I don’t understand though,” Kakashi said puzzled, “a weapon discarded can easily be picked up and used by your enemy. Why did he not have you killed?”
        Taryn snorted. “My father knows me too well. He knows I would never raise a hand against Suna. Banishing me was a cruel move and ever so effective. I can never go back. I know what he’ll ask me to do in return. It’s the one thing I’ll never do.”
“Kill Gaara,” Kakashi stated. He rubbed Taryn’s arm when he felt her shiver. The kazekage was a cruel sadistic man, playing his children against each other to test their loyalty. “Go to sleep Taryn,” he told her, “you want to cheer them on tomorrow, don’t you? And face our father with upright head.”
“Hm,” Taryn muttered sleepily.

When she woke up the next morning she was alone. She sat up confused and looked at the alarm clock. ‘Ten past eight’. Where was Kakashi? She hadn’t noticed him leaving.
        Her hand fell on a piece of paper. Curiously she picked it up. It was a note from Kakashi. ‘I hope you slept well. Don’t wait for me. I’ll see you at the arena.’
Of course. The Chuunin Finals would start at nine-thirty. He’d go to the Memorial stone first and then give Sasuke some last instruction.
Taryn rubbed her eyes and crawled out of bed. She should get ready too. Kakashi had been right. She wasn’t looking forward to seeing her father again. Seven years was a long time away from home and he wouldn’t have changed his mind. Taryn sighed. She got dressed and made herself some breakfast.
The village was crowded with people from different nations. It made it hard to locate her target. Orochimaru and Kabuto would be around somewhere. She was certain of it. Unfortunately the many different flows of chakra made it impossible to use Byakugan. She would have to wait and see.

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