Chapter 2 Blood

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The room was dimly lit and empty, except for two people. In the center of the room sat Sasuke inside a large circle. Strange markings were drawn around him, forming that circle, and went up his bare chest and arms towards the mark in his neck. Inside the circle and around him, a few kunai knives stuck in the ground. Kakashi stood behind him He just finished drawing the last few signs.
“That’s it. Just a little longer and it will be done.”
     He formed a few hand signs and pressed the palms of his hands against Sasuke’s curse mark. Slowly the markings that formed the circle retreated towards Sasuke’s neck. The boy cringed and groaned in pain. Finally, the markings formed a small circle around the curse mark and Kakashi pulled his hand away. Sasuke panted. Kakashi studied the boy.
        “Even if the curse mark awakens again, the power of the seal should contain it. But… Sasuke, the strength of this spell is in the strength of your own will. You have to want it to work… and you must believe in your own power to control it. If you don’t the curse mark could have its way again.”
     Sasuke gave an exhausted nod and slumped down on the floor, unconscious. Kakashi gave him a faint smile and sighed.
        “So… you’ve mastered the sealing technique, Kakashi?” a voice chuckled behind him, “you sure have grown.”
           Kakashi tensed and turned around. “You’re…”
A figure stepped out of the shadows and smirked at him. “It’s been a long time…” 
         “Orochimaru…” Kakashi growled.
Orochimaru slowly walked up to him. “Pardon my rudeness, Kakashi, butt I have no use for you. I’m here for the boy behind you”
         Kakashi glared at him. ”What do you want with Sasuke?”
Orochimaru shrugged casually. ‘Oh, you know how it is… two guys have something, and a third just has to have it too.”
             He chuckled at seeing Kakashi’s confused expression. “You haven’t had it for very long yourself you know. Know what it is yet?” He smirked when Kakashi’s eyes narrowed. “Heh. That’s right… Sharingan.”
        “Why?” Kakashi hissed.
“The newly created village of Sound is my new home you see. Get it now?”
           “So, it’s just your greed?”
“I suppose you could say that,” Orochimaru answered, “good help is hard to find these days and I need all sorts of pawns at my disposal.”
                Kakashi glared at him. “So you think Sasuke is one of your pawns?”
“Oh, he’s a very special pawn… a real keeper. Those other boys that are attending today… they are disposable.”
Kakashi took a fighting stance. “Stay away from Sasuke,” he warned. Lightning formed around his hand, “no matter what happened in the past, the man I am today can take you down.” He was startled when Orochimaru started laughing. “What’s so funny?” Kakashi asked.
             “You are,” Orochimaru answered, “the seal you placed on Sasuke is futile. When a heart is sufficiently focused and ruthless in its desire, then for good or evil, the end will justify any means. Sasuke possesses such a heart… the heart of an avenger.”
“So that’s how you got your hooks in him,” Kakashi said, “but Sasuke’s not…”
           “A day will come when he will seek me out,” Orochimaru said while turning to leave, “hungry for power. Meanwhile… I believe you were offering to kill me… care to try?” He chuckled. Kakashi gasped and watched him go. He hated this man, but found himself uncertain to attack. He looked confused when Orochimaru stopped a few feet away from the door. “Or maybe you?” he asked, “do you think you have a better chance?...Taryn…?” He turned his head to the side.
From behind a pillar, a girl stepped into the light. She had a kunai in her hand and gave the man a look full of hatred. He chuckled lightly. They held each other’s stare a long time. Taryn’s hand with the kunai trembled and sweat appeared on her forehead. She bit her lip, but didn’t break eye contact. Something about that pleased him and he smirked. “Strong willed as ever,” he said. Casually he turned around and walked away. “He’ll come look for me…” 
         Taryn let her breath escape when he disappeared. No matter how strong she was, it still cost a lot of effort to control the curse mark when he was manipulating it like that. The kunai slid from her fingers and clattered against the floor. Within seconds Kakashi was next to her.  
         ‘Are you alright?” he asked. Taryn gave a curt nod. She glanced back at Sasuke.
“You should take him to the infirmary and have him guarded.”
        Kakashi nodded. “I was planning to.” He brushed aside her hair and shove her collar down a little. His cool fingers rested against her neck. “Do you need me to re-seal that mark?”
         Taryn shook him off. “No. It can wait.” Kakashi eyed her concerned, but nodded. “Alright.” He turned to retrieve Sasuke. “Let’s go then. We might make it back in time for you to watch your siblings fight.”

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