Chapter 3 Sand

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Naruto and Sakura strolled a little behind Kakashi and Taryn. "Did you notice?" Sakura asked softly, "her eyes... they were the same as Neji's and Hinata's. Who is she?"
Naruto blinked confused. "You say she has Byakugan? But I thought she came from Wind Country. Kakashi-sensei said that those Sand ninja were her siblings."
"How should I know?" Sakura said annoyed. She frowned. "Kakashi-sensei seems to know a lot about her, doesn't he? And he was the first to speak up for her."
"What are you saying?" Naruto was still confused.
"Aargh!" Sakura complained, "why am I still talking to you?" 

Upstairs, Taryn pulled her arm out of Kakashi's grip and she strode back to the railing. Kakashi sighed. Such a troublesome girl. Why did she have to be so difficult all the time?
"Kakashi-sensei?" Sakura's voice sounded.
He turned around. "Hn? What is it?"
The girl looked hesitant. "I was just wondering... I thought...," she glanced at Taryn, who was out of hearing. "I thought I saw Taryn use Byakugan.... But..."
Kakashi nodded. "You saw it right."
"But I thought you said Byakugan was the blood limit of the Hyuuga clan."
"Yes," Kakashi said, "but you see... Taryn's mother was Hyuuga."
"Eh?!" Naruto and Sakura both gasped. "But she's a Sand shinobi, right?"
"What do you know of allied nations?" Kakashi asked.
"Sometimes shinobi villages close a treaty with another village to unite their strength and help each other out in times of need," Sakura answered. Then she realized something. "Ah, hidden Sand is ally of Konoha."
Kakashi nodded. "Yes, but before that alliance, Konoha was at war with Suna. They rivaled each other. After a long battle, peace was bought through a political wedding. The Kazekage agreed to marry a woman from Konoha's elite families. Since the Hokage had no daughter, the choice fell on the Hyuuga-clan, Konoha's most illustrious clan. He chose the youngest sister of lord Hiashi, Hinata's father. Taryn was born from that marriage."
Naruto glanced at the team from Suna. "How about them?"
Kakashi shook his head. "Taryn's mother died from illness when she was still a child. His other children are born from a woman from Suna. Taryn is their half-sister." 

Kankuro glanced at Gaara. He had become more agitated since the last battle between the two Hyuuga cousins. If this went on much longer... the monster within Gaara was becoming more bloodthirsty with the second. His eyes flashed dangerous and every now and then he trembled with excitement. Kankuro dared a glance towards his older sister. She was looking at Gaara as well. Slight concern in her eyes. Kankuro sighed thoughtfully. Being the oldest of her siblings, they had known each other the longest. That didn't mean they were close though. Even when he was still a child, Taryn had been away on missions most of the time. By the time she was Gaara's age, she had long been a Jounin. But... he knew things. He used to eavesdrop at his father's office. He had somewhat admired his big sister when he was young. So he knew. He knew why she was banished. He had never told anyone about it. And his father certainly didn't know he heard everything. He sighed again and guiltily averted his eyes. 

"How come you know so much about her?" Naruto asked.
        'Well, she lived in Konoha for a while," Kakashi answered, "though you may not remember that. You were barely old enough to attend the academy at that time. But also before, when she was a child, she moved back and forth between Konoha and Suna to attend the academy in both nations." His eyes saddened for a moment, but neither student noticed. "When she got banished, the hokage offered her refuge in the house Hyuuga with her mother's family. You have seen how they felt about that. The Hyuuga clan didn't like it one bit to see their blood heritance in a child of Suna. They never approved of the wedding, but they had no choice. The hokage ordered it. They still resent her. Pure blood is important to the elite families." 

Taryn eyed Gaara with concern. She wasn't sure how much longer he would be able to keep in control. The blood thirst was evident in his eyes. This wasn't Gaara, was it? She couldn't be sure. She had been away from home too long to be certain. Behind his eyes shone a glint of Shokaku, who was always eager for a way to take over. Taryn shivered. Though she knew Gaara would never hurt her, Shokaku was a different story. The one tailed beast had a deep hate for her. She was sure he would attempt to kill her if given the chance. And after everything that had happened, Gaara might well be willing to let him. 

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