Chapter 39 Soulmates

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Taryn sighed as she stared out of the window. They were in some nameless village, somewhere near the Lightning Country. They would stay here one night and then move on. Always travelling, capturing rouges with prices on their heads, selling information. Every step took her further away from home. A home she could no longer return to.

Taryn rubbed her neck. The curse mark had quieted down again after draining all her energy a few days ago. She narrowed her eyes. As soon as the opportunity would present itself, she was going to kill Orochimaru for dong this to her. She had been unconscious for several hours and her body had been sore all over for hours after that. She sighed again. Things weren't exactly going as planned.

She was unaware that she was being watched. Itachi stood just outside the room, in the doorway, carefully avoiding the light from the hallway so it wouldn't cast a shadow. Her half conscious confession from a few days earlier kept running through his mind. As much as he wanted to forget about it, he couldn't deny that he was drawn to her. He had been for a long time. His only consolation had been that she wasn't aware of it, but now that he knew she returned his feelings, it wasn't going to make things any easier.

He had become aware of her at the academy. At that time he had only been curious about her. She didn't care what others thought of her. And she didn't follow him around like the other girls. Not that it had bothered him, but it had certainly been refreshing. He knew very well that she had disliked him back then. But her pride had made him notice her even more.

Then at the Chuunin Exams, that was when he had first started to respect her. And he knew they were the same. Her father had driven her to Konoha and now fate had driven them both here to Akatsuki.

She was still proud.

And he couldn't get her out of his head.

The moonlight on her face gave her an unearthly beauty and made his breath stock. The sound made her look up. He had no other choice than to reveal himself then. He stepped into the room. "Can I come in?"

Taryn straightened up. "You already did ," she said.

Itachi took that as an invitation and walked up to her.

Taryn turned back to the window and stared at the night sky. For a moment they just stood in silence.

Itachi watched her expression sadden. She looked so lonely. Before he knew it, his hand had covered hers on the windowsill. It startled her. "Sorry," Itachi muttered.

Taryn shook her head. "No, it's alright. My mind wandered off... the stars.. they are so beautiful tonight. But they're not the same stars we see in Suna."

"Do you regret what you did?"

"No," Taryn said, "but I miss it sometimes."

Itachi touched her cheek, making her look up confused. He had taken a step closer and sighed sadly. Then he kissed her.

Taryn stared at him stunned, not sure how to react.

He pulled away from her. "I... should go." He turned to leave, but Taryn grabbed his sleeve.

"No. Wait."

This time she was the one to close the gap between them. With light hesitation, she leaned up and kissed him. Itachi deepened the kiss and locked his arms around her, steering her towards the bed. "Wait," Taryn gasped and pushed away.

Itachi kissed the side of her head. "What is it?"

"Where's Kisame?" Taryn asked.

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