Chapter 1 Traitor

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Faster. She had to get there faster. She increased her chakra even more so she could run even faster than she had so far. Not fast enough. It might already be too late. But she had to try. If only she could run faster…

The gates of the village came within view. Despite her hurry to get there, she stopped on the hillside and took some time to look at the buildings. Three years had gone by since she last set foot inside these gates. There would be no warm welcome for her here. Still… She had to go. She had made a promise and she had to fulfill it. She took a deep breath and descended from the hill towards the gate.

A few yards away from the village she slowed down to a calmer pace. Bursting into the village wouldn’t do any good at all. Forcing herself to stay calm, she strolled to the gates, knowing she would be spotted from a mile away. Behind the desk at the front of the village she saw two men. ‘Shiro and Kazuma.’ she thought, recognizing them. When they noticed her enter, they stepped in front of her and stopped her.
“Halt. What is your business in Konoha?” the girl looked up at them and one of them gasped. The other one held his posture.
“Taryn Desertstorm,” he said, “you have a lot of nerve coming here like that.”
“Is there a warrant for my arrest?” she inquired. Shiro and Kazuma looked at each other and back to her.
“No,” Kazuma stated, “still… you are not welcome here. State your business.”
Taryn stared at him emotionless. “I need to speak with the hokage. It’s important.”
Shiro laughed. “you know we won’t let you speak to the hokage. Not after the way you left this village. Who knows what you have been up to or whom you’re conspiring with.” Taryn sighed. She didn’t have time for this.
“What he’s trying to say,” Kazuma said, “is that we don’t trust you. Leave. Before we decide to arrest you anyway.”
“I have no feud with Konoha. You’re wasting time just standing around here. Let me see the hokage.”
“We can’t do that,” Kazuma said, ‘besides, lord hokage is busy with the Chuunin exams. He can’t see anyone right now.”
‘The Chuunin exams, huh.’ Taryn thought, ‘is it that time of year again?’ “Kazuma, Shiro, If I really intended harm to you, don’t you think I would have entered some other way? I have important information. Lives may depend on it.” The two men looked at each other hesitantly. “What kind of information?” Shiro asked.
“The kind the hokage should hear before it spreads out.”
“Leave your weapons,” Kazuma ordered.
Taryn’s eyes grew colder. “I am a shinobi, “ she stated, “I do not lay down my weapons.” That remark earned her a disapproving look which she ignored. “We’re losing time,” she said. Kazuma growled and turned to his comrade.
“Will you be alright on your own” Shiro waved him off.
“Go on. It’s quiet any way with everyone focused on the exams.” Kazuma nodded and looked at Taryn. “Come with me.”


“This is a no-holds barrel combat,” Hayate Gekko, the proctor of the prelims announced, “each pair of combatants will fight until one of them is dead or unconscious… or admits defeat.” He coughed. His health had never been very good. There were blue spots under his eyes and his energy was low. He stared at the Genin before him and continued. “As soon as you sense that your opponent is overpowering you, immediately concede your loss… if you value your life. Uh… since we don’t want a total bloodbath on our hands, there may be cases in which we ascertain that there is an undisputed winner and step in to end the match. But don’t count on it. From here out on, the key to your fate is this electronic scoreboard. At the stat of every round, we will display the names of the two combatants competing in that match. So let’s…” He was cut off by the large entrance doors opening. Everyone turned around to the newcomers. One of them was Kazuma who had guard duty. The girl next to him was not so familiar.

Taryn tried to ignore the Genin who were staring at her curiously, but couldn’t help the slight hesitation as her eye fell on three young competitors she knew all to well. She forced herself forward. She couldn’t afford to be distracted, even though she felt a tug on her heart. Determined she walked past the young ninja and approached the platform where the hokage was seated. Immediately two Jounin blocked her from going any further. Obediently she stopped and stared at them emotionless. Behind them the hokage gestured for them to step aside. Reluctantly they let her through and she kneeled in front of the man, Sarutobi, the Third hokage.
“Taryn Desertstorm,” he acknowledged her.
“Lord hokage. I have matters to discuss with you.”
“What matters might that be?” Sarutobi inquired. Taryn looked up at him.
“With all due respect sir, but I think these things should be discussed in private.” The hokage eyed her for a moment and nodded.
“They will have to wait. I am occupied with the Chuunin Exams at the moment.”
“I fear this matter can’t wait,” Taryn said, “it is of high importance.” Her hand went to her collar and rested there for a moment.
"I understand,” Sarutobi answered, “still… it will have to wait until after the preliminary round.”

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