Chapter 44 Crossfire

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“Why are you sitting her all by yourself?”
At the sound of Kakashi’s voice, Taryn lifted her head, but didn’t turn around. She continued looking out over the river and shrugged. “Why not? No one else cares about my company.”
“That’s not true,” Kakashi said. He sighed and sat down beside her. “I know you’re sad, but you shouldn’t isolate yourself.”
Taryn’s expression became annoyed. “Why are you here anyway?” she asked.
“I just wanted to make sure you were alright.”
“What do you care?” Taryn muttered.
“I care,” Kakashi’s voice was soft.
Taryn threw some pebbles in the water. It took some time before she responded. “Then you’re the only one,” she said.
Kakashi eyed the girl sadly, wishing he could cheer her up. “Are you worried about the curse mark?” he asked, “that the seal won’t hold?”
“No,” Taryn answered annoyed.
“I wish you would talk to me,” Kakashi said. He sighed again, “Taryn…”
Something in his voice made her look up. His hand moved and his fingers lingered on her cheek for a moment. There was sadness in his eyes as well as in his voice. “You never smile anymore.” She pulled away from him. “I know you love Itachi,” Kakashi continued, “but he’s not coming back. It’s been weeks since your return.”
Taryn stood up and walked away from him. “It’s not a feeling I can just switch off!” she shouted at him.
Kakashi had stood up too. He walked closer to her and took her hand. Taryn stared at it startled. “That’s alright,” Kakashi said, “… I can wait.”
Taryn looked up at him confused.
Neither of them noticed the silent observer in the shadows, clad in black and red, that slowly retreated.


Iruka gasped when another Pain blocked his path.
“Where is the nine tailed fox?” he asked, “tell me or I will kill you.”
“I will tell you nothing,” Iruka said. He was still carrying the injured girl. Her sister hid behind his back and shivered.
“Very well then,” Pain said.
Iruka braced himself for the attack, but it didn’t come. Instead he found Kakashi in front of him.
“Hurry,” Kakashi told him, “take those children to safety. Leave him to me.”
Iruka nodded seriously and took off. Pain didn’t wait and performed a round house kick which Kakashi ducked. He focused his chakra to perform Chidori and launched at Pain. He missed. Kakashi gasped. He had been certain it would hit. ‘What was that move he just did?’ he thought confused, ‘how could he deflect it?’
Pain chuckled. “Hatake Kakashi, the copy ninja. It’s an honor to meet you. Where’s the nine tailed fox?”
“That’s a stupid question,” Kakashi said, “I’m not gonna answer you that.” He tried another Chidori.
Pain narrowed his eyes. Suddenly Kakashi was thrown back. There was a large blast and he slammed into the ground. When he tried to crawl to his feet, he found himself surrounded by rocks and other objects. ‘What was that move?’ he thought, ‘I didn’t feel a shockwave, yet everything around him was blown to pieces.’  “How about this then?!” he growled and sent a lighting wolf towards Pain. It didn’t seem to affect him. ‘So it repels both physical attacks and ninja techniques… what now?’  He looked up when he noticed a movement behind him. ‘Another one huh.’ He attacked the newcomer who had his back towards him. Kakashi gasped when this Pain dodged the blow. ‘How did he know?’ Then he remembered what little information had been given.
“Their eyes are linked. They share a field of vision. The trick of fighting Pain is to  always take him one on one… Each of them has only one technique. Finding out which one is the key.”
‘Did Jiraya rally take on all six of them?’
He was already exhausted facing one. Let alone two. He had his Sharingan eye uncovered, but even that would not be enough. The first Pain raised his hand and Kakashi felt himself being pulled forward. The second Pain grew a tail with a razor sharp point and that point flew towards Kakashi. “Dammit,” he muttered and prepared for the blow. In the last second, he was able to perform a jutsu to create a lightning clone.
Then out of nowhere, two huge fists slammed the second Pain to bits. Choji and his father landed in front of Kakashi.
“One down,” Choji’s father said, “you okay Kakashi?”
“Yeah. Thanks,” Kakashi groaned. How were they ever going to defeat this guy?

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