Extra: No questions asked

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This one is my personal favorite :P It ties in not long after Shisui's body was found. I hope you enjoy the chapter :)


Taryn leaned back against the wall and closed her eyes against the sun. It didn’t burn as much as it did at home and she was grateful for its warmth.

 When a shadow fell over her, she opened one eye but kept her posture.

“One more second and you could have been dead,” Itachi Uchiha said amused.

Taryn shrugged. “I knew it was you.” She closed her eye again.

“Doesn’t that worry you?” His voice sounded curious.

“Don’t be so conceited, Uchiha,” she answered, keeping her tone as neutral as possible.

“I’ve been assigned a mission,” Itachi said, ignoring her comment, “I’d like you to come with me.”

Now she did open her eyes, light surprise edged on her face. She studied him for a moment. “I… I’ll have to clear it with the Hokage,” she stuttered. She still wasn’t allowed to leave the village on her own.

“I already did,” Itachi told her, “he gave his permission. We have to leave now though.”

Taryn nodded. “Sure. No problem.” She had her weapons with her at all times, so she was good to go.

“Where are we going?” Taryn inquired while following Itachi out the gates.

“The Land of Hot Water,” Itachi answered, “we have to deliver a package and take back some scrolls.”

“Anything we need to look out for?”

Itachi kept his face emotionless. “Anything,” he said.

Taryn glanced at him and gave a  thoughtful nod.

They walked on in silence for a while, but it wasn’t wholly unpleasant. Taryn never had much need for talk and Itachi was glad to have a companion that wasn’t overly chatty. He had enough to think about and was grateful for the chance to escape the village’s machinations for a while, let along his clan’s vengeful plotting.

They were well on their way when Taryn finally broke the silence. “Why did you ask me to join you on this mission?” For as far as she knew, they weren’t friends. They hadn’t even done missions together before. No one had chosen her before. Most people still didn’t trust her.

Itachi didn’t answer right away. He studied her carefully. “Why did you accept?” he asked instead. Ever since Shisui’s death a week ago, the other shinobi had shunned him. Even the Uchiha only tolerated him because of his father.

Taryn scrunched her nose. He wanted to be vague? She could play that game too. “Curiosity,” she said.

 “About what?” Itachi asked surprised.

Taryn tried to keep her face casual. “Why you picked me,” she said.

A small smirk broke through on Itachi’s face, but he didn’t reply for another mile.

 “I know what you can do. Your fighting style is compatible with mine.”

She didn’t ask how he knew.

Perhaps he had been keeping tabs on her too.


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