Random Note 2 Taryn

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Despite being branded a traitor, Taryn has a fierce sense of justice. Since she was born, she has been torn between Suna and Konoha and her loyalty was always divided between the two. She knows Itachi has killed his entire clan, leaving only is little brother behind. While he is on every hitlist, she has always believed he had a good reason for his actions, even though he won’t share them with her. She feels guilty towards Kakashi, because she knows he’s in love with her and she can’t answer his feelings. He is a good person and she cares about him a lot, but her heart belongs to Itachi. She knows about his whereabouts, but not about what he’s up to. She keeps his secrets but doesn’t hesitate to interfere when she thinks it’s necessary.

Taryn is a very skilled and talented shinobi. Even as a child she had a lot of potential. She inherited the bloodline limit of house Hyuuga and the strength of house Suna. She finished the Academy by the time she was seven and was the youngest contestant ever at the Chuunin Exams.

Even though she is loyal to Itachi, she would never betray Suna or Konoha. It is unknown why the third Hokage trusted her, but she has never given him cause to regret it. The cursemark in her neck is the same as Anko and Sasuke’s, the Heaven Mark. It is said that only the strongest shinobi survive the transformation of that mark. She learned to suppress it in an early stage and it was sealed by Kakashi when she first returned to Konoha.

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