29. Nice Little Surprises

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Finding out the truth about my father and why he left me was nothing like I had expected it to be. I thought at the very most that I would finally meet my father and he'd be a bigger asshole than I imagined. Instead, I found out that he passed away with as much dignity that he could and that he wanted the best for me, my mother and my siblings. All the years I spent with pent up anger and animosity was for absolutely nothing. The negative energy in my body all went towards a dead man who didn't even deserve it. The truth hurt and made me wish that I had known it sooner.

If I had known the type of man my father truly was then I think that would've prevent me from making so many reckless decisions in my past. The fights I got in at school, my abusive behavior and careless personality would've been nonexistent and I would be a better person. But I guess I had to learn from the mistakes that I made. Learning about my father had to act as a life lesson for me if anything. I couldn't allow myself to be sad or depressed now that I knew the answer about my father's whereabouts and why he left.

Instead of moping and sobbing, this was my time to be a strong individual, face the storm and get my sh-t together. Don't get me wrong. Finding out my father had passed away from cancer was heartbreaking. Honestly for a few weeks, I believe all I did was stay in the house and cry. I felt horrible and the only person who could console me was Mira. She was there for me throughout the whole thing. She held me when I cried, told me it was okay when I vented to her and she made me feel loved. She didn't even show up to the music video she was supposed to be in with the Weeknd for me. Instead of making such a big step in her career, she stayed with me.

That really opened my eyes. Mira would give up anything for me. She was so loving, considerate and loyal that it was almost unbelievable. I've never met someone with such a genuine and kind heart like hers. She was an angel on earth and she was mine. I had to be thankful for that. I'd be crazy not to. She was wife material. I could see her and me raising kids together, sending them off to college and then getting old with each other. When I thought about my future, before my rap career or anything else, she was the first thing that I saw.

The best thing about finding out my father's story was that after a few weeks of mourning, I was better than ever. I woke up feeling refreshed one morning. That morning I had a smile on my face and a plan to be the best Arden that I could be. I was going treat Mira like a f-cking queen, and unlike my father I was going to have bravery, face my problems and lack the abundance of pride. There was a new Arden in town and I think that I liked her. It was still the same old foul mouth me, but this time I actually knew right from wrong. I knew when to put on my filter and how to handle my problems.

"Man, it's been a while since we've hanged," Justin said as he took a sip from the beer bottle. Justin, Anthony and I were all lounged around in the living room. I was lying on the couch with my hands behind my head, staring up at the ceiling and listening to the tunes that came from the speaker. Justin and Anthony were casually drinking but I didn't feel the need to. I was perfectly find chilling sober. "Mira's got your ass whipped." Anthony made a sound of a whip with his mouth and Justin chuckled.

"I bet you do everything for her. Since she's moved in with you, you probably cook her breakfast, lunch and dinner," Anthony added.

"And she makes her snacks," Justin added.

"She probably folds her clothes for her."

"She cleans the whole house."

"Both of you shut up," I told them as I finally sat up. I had a slight smile on my face but all of their accusations were false. Mira had just moved in with me two weeks ago, and so far everything's been beyond good. Mira was always the one catering to me, even when I didn't ask her too. She was just way too loving. "You're both jealous because you can't keep a girl down. Justin, you change girls like every other month. The only girl you can hold onto for more than a month is Selena then you guys are back off again. Anthony, well, you're just a f-cking manwhore. Excuse me for actually finding a girl that I love. She really cares for me and she'd do anything for me. Do you know how good it feels to have someone who is just as in love with you as you are with them? It's fantastic. Every day I wake up thinking that I have to put a ring on her finger."

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