1. Igloo

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The sun was shining brightly over Los Angeles as I rode in the passenger seat of Ellie's new car. She wouldn't stop talking about her stratus white Aston Martin Rapide S. Just last week, the car had arrived at her home in Calabasas and I thought she was going to have a heart attack before they could even unload the car from the truck. It was super adorable and Ellie deserved it so much. We've only been dating for three months, but she was one of the sweetest people that I have met in America.

The States were so different from Hungary, there were more job opportunities, more bizarre people to meet and everything seemed and looked simple. I kind of liked the simplicity, but at the same time there were moments when I missed home. I missed my favorite restaurants and a piece of me felt like I was leaving my parents behind even though they were both deceased. Either way, I was thankful to move to the States. Shortly, after my mother died, a modeling company found interest in me. My oldest sister, Rose, was supportive and made the bold move to migrate to the States for my dream career to come true.

Back in Hungary, she was a cosmetic surgeon so my sister was loaded, and when she came to America she got a job at another cosmetic surgeon establishment as if it was nothing. My youngest sister, Petra, was obsessed with American movies like Mean Girls so she was more than excited to start her senior year at an American high school. To my understanding, both of my sisters were enjoying America so far and I was more than happy. The move certainly wasn't a mistake. My career had just started and I was on magazine covers and walking the runways.

"F-ck the traffic," Ellie said as she looked at the time on the console. Her accent was endearing when she got angry and I couldn't resist but to smile at her anger. It was weird because one of the main things I was excited about coming to America for was the American women, but I ended up going out with a Danish fashion designer who had moved here just four years ago. Even though she was raised in Denmark, her accent was already fading but when she got angry it was stronger than ever. My girlfriend pushed on the horn rapidly as she screamed to the top of her lungs. "I have a meeting you stupid motherf-ckers," she yelled out the window after rolling it down. A giggle escaped my lips and I placed a hand on her thigh. My hand immediately got her attention. Her body faced mine and she licked her lips.

"Did I ever tell you how your accent is such a turn on when you're angry?" A small smirk played on my lips and Ellie mimicked the expression. A loud honk from behind us startled the both of us. We both looked forward to see the traffic was finally moving. Ellie stuck her middle finger out the window but began driving along with the traffic. "So, who are you meeting anyways? I don't have to tag along. Actually, I prefer not to if you have to do business." I had spent the night over at Ellie's place and my car was back home. For some reason, Ellie wouldn't allow me to take a Taxi or any other means of public transportation. So, instead of making me wait at the house for her to come back, she suggested that I went along with her to a meeting with one of her clients.

"Don't worry about it, all Scotty does is ask for my opinion on what she should wear to award shows, and then she goes completely against it. Every so often, she might take my advice and may wear a piece of my merchandise or someone else's that I recommend." I had heard Ellie talk about Scotty countless times before, all of them were usually crazy things. If it wasn't for the fact that Scotty paid Ellie for opinions and for special makes of her merchandise, I don't think the two got along well.

My girlfriend always made Scotty seem like some chaotic, and crazy girl. Supposedly, she was a rapper, known by Scotty XXX, but I've never heard of her since I didn't necessarily listen to rap. I've heard a couple songs on the radio, but I had never seen a picture of her, or even seen her face to face. Today, although, it looked like we were going to meet for the first time. "The Teen Choice Awards are two weeks from now and she's just now contacting me about a custom tailor-made suit." My stomach turned at the mention of the Teen Choice Awards, because of my affiliation with Ellie and an amazing start of my career, I was invited.

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