19. Melbourne

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After fifteen hours in the sky, sleeping, talking, laughing and occasionally arguing, Arden and I arrived in Melbourne, Australia. When we arrived it was nine that night and all I wanted was a nice and comfortable bed. Arden's private jet was nice and all but her constant unrest during the ride was unsettling. I got a few hours of sleep in but my girlfriend was constantly active. She claimed she had a bit of anxiety when it came to long plane rides so she barely got any or no sleep throughout them, no matter how much medication she took or how much marijuana she smoked. So whenever I slept, she found other ways to keep herself entertained.

We arrived at Arden's mother's house around ten. Instead of staying in some hotel, Arden thought it'd be nice to stay with her mother. Apparently, the house was the same house Arden grew up in with her family and sisters. It was just fixed up and renovated. I could tell by how dingy the other houses on the block looked that the one story home had been through a bunch of remodeling. The lights inside of the home seemed to be completely off and Arden mentioned that her mother was most likely asleep. Instead of knocking, she used a key that was hidden under a mat to get inside. She motioned for me to walk in first, and I stumbled inside with the little bags that Arden had allowed me to carry. She carried the rest.

A light switch was flipped on by my girlfriend and I got a good look at the interior of the house. It was very funky. It was like the traditional home interior that you saw in wacky television shows. It's was very '70s like and tacky.  "My mum has a false sense of style," Arden told me with a quiet chuckle as she closed the door. I giggled a bit myself as I stared at the puke green recliner with a ridiculous pattern checkered all over it. "She's obviously asleep. You'll see her in the morning. Follow me to our room."

I went down the dim lit hallway with the old adorable, family portraits. It was always so easy to spot Arden out in the pictures. She was always the one doing a stupid pose or not even looking towards the camera. Everyone in her little family looked to be a big deal of fun, but I could tell she was the most rambunctious one. I couldn't wait until I could finally actually meet her mother, her brother and her sister. I'm sure it'd be a real hoot if they were truly anything like Arden, which something told me that they were.


Once I got back to my official home, sweet home and laid in bed with Mira, my eyes stayed wide open. Mira fell asleep almost immediately as if she didn't get enough sleep on the plane, but I was wide awake. My mind wouldn't give me a chance to rest as it did on the plane. I made up a lie to my girlfriend that I had flying anxiety so I couldn't sleep, but that wasn't my problem. My dilemma was that something was worrying the sh-t out of me. My behavior and my past was heavy on mind.

Back at Mira's place when I met her sisters, I had jumped completely out of line. All Rose was doing was protecting her sister. It was my fault that I wasn't responsible and showed up late to meet her family. That was all on me for being f-cking selfish and a dumbass. Rose attempted to put me in my place like she should've and I should've just kept my mouth closed, but of course I didn't. I made a right ass out of myself.

I was lucky that Mira still wanted to come and see my parents with me. She was way too kind and forgiving for her own good. Any other girl with a backbone would've slapped the hell out of me and dumped me like the evening's trash, but Mira stayed there. I'm not sure if she was just loyal or stupid. She definitely deserved better than me. I didn't see how she could take a fifteen hour flight to meet my family after I said what I said, but I guess I shouldn't be complaining about her mercy but be thankful for it.

My main worry was my family. My brother, my sister and my mother were all nice people. I was more than sure that they'd love Mira with all of their hearts. She was innocent, sweet, forgiving and caring. My mother was probably going to go ahead and start calling her, her 'daughter in law.' My brother would be ready to induct her into our crazy family as well, but my sister was a whole other deal. She'd love Mira, but she wouldn't like our relationship due to my horrible past relationship with one of her best friends. That's what I was the most afraid of. I didn't want Sofia opening her big mouth and ruining my relationship. Sure I may have been slightly f-cked up in the past, but I've changed quite a lot since then.

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