4. The Coolest Hungarian

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Arden and I went past the caution tape that kept people from upstairs, and then back downstairs where the number of people seemed to have doubled. A bunch of rambunctious people jumped around and danced as a DJ played song after song. Hardly anyone was standing with their back against the wall, and if they were they were getting tongued down by someone else. The rapper took my hand and she pushed through the crowd with her arm as she led me into the center of it all. The people danced as if shimmying demons had possessed their bodies. Some were dancing naughtily, body against body as if they were the only ones in the extended space of the living room. Others were carefree, just enjoying being able to be at such an indecorous party.

The rapper's hand escaped mine as she actually began dancing to whatever rap song was playing in the background. I giggled at her dancing. She wasn't bad but it was amusing to see someone represented as such a badass actually dance. "Come on! You have to dance! This is my song! Literally!" Listening to the song a bit harder, I heard Arden rapping on the bass heavy track. Everyone was rapping out the lyrics as they danced. The song was a bit catchy, but also very vulgar. Arden was talking about anything from drugs to sex, which I guess was your typical rap song. Looking around, I saw everyone not paying attention to me. It was like they were in their own world, enjoying their time with the people they came with or met at the party. "Come on, don't be shy," Arden told me as she urged me to dance. Even though butterflies were swimming in my stomach, and I was insecure about my dance moves, I began moving my body to the blaring song.

At first my moves were stiff and cautious, but after a while I could feel that strong liquor from earlier coursing in my veins. The alcohol gave me the courage that I needed and within minutes, I was dancing as if I had no care in the world. Arden laughed at me as I laughed at her. We danced next to each other, mimicking each other's moves. She danced effortlessly with undeviating confidence. Her dance moves didn't come out forced. Arden was more of a natural dancer. Nothing fancy, but also nothing too subtle and I liked that. Sometimes she would even incorporate a lame dance move just for the laughs, which was more than adorable. "You're finally letting go," she yelled to me over the music before taking hold of my hands. Arden began swinging our hands wildly and I twittered as she spun me around with one hand if as we were waltzing. After the twirl, I was a bit dizzy and ended up falling right into her arms. She chuckled and I blushed as I gave her an embarrassed smile. She was about to say something but before she could Justin walked over to us.

"Stop dancing for a second and come play some beer pong, casanova! Anthony and I need some competition so Mira can play as well!"

I quickly declined the offer. "No, I'll just watch! I'll probably ruin the whole game, plus I've never played it."

Arden gave me a bit of a smirk. "Do Hungarians not play beer pong? Don't worry, I'll teach you."

"Then we've got ourselves a game," Justin declared as he turned back around to push through the drug-induced crowd. Arden held my hand as we followed Justin outside to the backyard. A bunch of people were spread out in the huge yard. Most were in the pool although. There was a few skinny dippers showing off their bodies carelessly. I really didn't see how they could do that with at least a thousand people around. I wasn't so much insecure about my body but I didn't want anyone to see it in any kind of way. My manager hated that. She wanted me to do nude photoshoots because supposedly, they'd make me more relevant, but that wasn't my thing. Lingerie shoots were as far as I would go and that was final. There wasn't anything my manager or modeling agency could say to get me to change my mind. My body. My rules.

"Hey, are you good?" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked towards Arden. I gave her a nod to let her know that I was fine. We had come to a stop in front a beer pong table that was glowing in the dark. A few people crowded the table waiting for the next game, but it seemed like they were all people Arden was close with and not just randoms. I spotted out Kyndall arranging ten cups on each side of the table as Anthony filled them halfway with beer.

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