25. Just Like Your Father

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The next morning, I woke up a bit too early. It was around eight in the morning and I couldn't find any way to fall back asleep. Arden was lying beside me, snoring and passed out cold. If I only I could achieve to sleep as heavily as her. Literally, nothing could wake her up when she was asleep. One time, I yelled in her ear and all she did was turn to the side and snored even louder. Sleep for her was pretty scarce with her occupation and all so I guess I can understand that when she actually got to sleep that she valued it.

Since I couldn't get myself to rest, I got out of bed and got ready for the day. I took a long, well needed shower, got dressed and headed out of the bedroom to get away from Arden's snoring. Originally, I was going to the living room to see what was on Aussie television, but when I was walking towards the living room, I was stopped by Arden's mother. She looked as if she had been up for hours before even I was. A huge smile was on her face as if she was glad that I had awakened early. "I've been wanting some alone time with you, honey," she declared sweetly.

A one on one conversation with Arden's mother seemed so serious, but the way she smiled at me made me realize it was anything but. She probably just wanted to really get to know me since I was dating her daughter. "Why don't you help me prepare breakfast," she suggested.

"Of course. I would love to!" I followed her mother into the cluttered kitchen. Lydia was huge on the decorations all over her home and there were no exceptions to the kitchen. On the ill-painted, puke green walls there were a bunch of paintings with silly cooking puns on them. The only one that got a laugh out of me was the painting with nothing but peas in the picture. On the painting, in bold, italicized letters was the words, "B-tch, peas." Very creative.

"So, how is Arden? Is she being a good girl," her mother asked me as she looked into the fridge. I washed my hands in the kitchen sink, awaiting for her to shoot me out an order. "I know she can be a real hassle sometimes. Even when she was a little girl, she was a bit too much to handle. The older she gets it seems like the more she wants to be all wild and crazy. At first, I thought it was a phase but I just came to face it. My daughter is freaking crazy!"

A light chuckle came from my lips as dried off my hands. "She's been doing okay. We have our ups and downs, but things are definitely looking up. Yesterday, while meeting the rest of the family I got a real glimpse of her brighter side. She has her negative tendencies and so do I. We just need to work on our flaws and make them a little better, even if we can't erase them," I told her mother honestly. Arden wasn't a saint but neither was I. We both needed some work.

Lydia gave me a satisfied smile. She seemed to like my answer. "Why don't you scramble the eggs and I'll start on the pancakes," she suggested. I nodded my head and made my way to refrigerator to get the carton of eggs. For a few moments, it was silent as we both began preparing our separate dishes. The conversation lacked but Lydia was humming a song to herself. She actually had an amazing tone so when she stopped humming, a part of me became a bit sad.

"You're definitely the classiest girl she's ever brought around me. Most of them always came to visit with their clothes already practically off. I never thought she would bring someone to meet me that I actually saw her having a future with. With you, I see opportunity. I see her finally calming down and being a proper adult. You know, Arden's father was a wild one too. I'm sure she told you the stories about him." What Arden told me about her father was basically that he was a bastard. She talked about him with such hostility and hatred, but her mother spoke of him as if he wasn't as horrible as he seemed.

"Arden said he basically left while you were having her at the hospital," I answered as gently as I could. I didn't know if my answer would trigger anything or not so I said it as politely as I could. It almost sounded like I was pitying her which probably made things a bit worse. I cursed under my breath in realization that I had probably f-cked things up between Arden's mother and I. Then I heard Lydia laugh slightly, I guess didn't hit a nerve.

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