17. Earthshaking

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The next morning, I woke up to a knock on my bedroom door. Nearly jumping out of my own skin, I sat up and looked towards the crazy girl that was lying beside me. She was sleeping peacefully and adorably as she always did. Her hair was all over the place and her lips seemed to be in a small pout. A smile formed on my lips at how lucky I was to be with such a gorgeous girl, but the smile quickly diminished when the loud knock was heard again.

"One minute," I yelled as I scrambled to get out of my bed. I tripped over a pair of shoes as I rushed to get at least a bra and a pair of panties on to answer my worrisome sister. Rose grumbled from the other end of the door as I fumbled towards it. I opened the door just a little bit so she couldn't get a look inside. The last thing I needed her to see was a naked Arden in my bed. She probably already heard us last night although.

"Hey," Rose said to me as soon as I opened the door partially. She was already dressed in her doctor's scrubs and ready to go out to work on some rich person's face. From the smile on her face, I assumed that everything was fine between us. The last time we talked she yelled and called me stupid, but now she seemed calm like nothing ever happened. "Get dressed. Petra's downstairs already eating. I thought we could have breakfast together this morning. It's kind of my way for saying sorry. I didn't mean to call you names the other day. It's your life and I can't tell you how to live it."

I raised my brows up in much surprise. Was this my same sister? There was no way this was Rose. I waved my hand in front of her face and she giggled before pulling me into a hug. She hugged me tightly with her eyes shut before pulling away. "Hurry up and come down before Petra eats all the food," she warned me in a more stern voice. I gave her a sweet smile and nodded before closing the door. As soon as I closed it, I let out a breath of relief and looked towards my bed. Arden was still in her slumber. Apparently, she was a heavy sleeper. I'm sure I could go down, eat breakfast and then come back up for her to still be asleep.

"So," I said as I tossed around my eggs with a fork, "Did you guys hear anything weird last night?" I squinted my eyes a little, ready for the backlash and teasing. Both of my sisters looked at me as if I was crazy although. Rose stopped eating and stared at me with much concern.

"Did something happen last night? You may have heard me coming in a bit late. I-uh, I spent most of the night at a friend's house," she admitted with a blush of the cheeks. I nearly choked on the orange juice I had drank. Anybody with perfect sense could tell that Rose basically admitted that she did a one night stand with someone. That was so unlike her! No wonder she was all bright, smiley and apologetic this morning. My older sister had finally gotten some!

"I'm not sure. I was out cold all last night. I wasn't feeling too hot," Petra voiced with her tone a bit stuffier than ever before. I furrowed my brows and reached over to feel her forehead. It was pretty warm. Why didn't she tell me she wasn't feeling good? She could've called or texted and I would've waited on her every need. "It's fine, guys. It's probably just a little fever," she told both of her worried, older sisters. "I've still got my appetite," she yelled a bit cheerfully before stuffing her face with a whole pancake. What a dork.

Well, at least I didn't have to worry about my sisters knowing that I had sex with Arden last night. It seemed like everything had all worked out in my favor. Our sisterly breakfast didn't last long. Rose had to get off to work and Petra's tummy was hurting so she went to lay down in her room. I made sure she knew to call me if she felt any worse so I could take care of her. With the house clear, it was the perfect time to sneak Arden out. I went back upstairs and found her in her same position, knocked out like a light.

"Wake up," I whispered in her ear as I shook her lightly. Her eyes opened up a bit and she grumbled something under her breath. "Arden, get up," I told her as I motioned for her to get out of my bed. A bit of a smirk came onto her face as she shook her head. I sighed as I stood in front of her with my hands on my hips.

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