6. Shampoo

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Steam filled the extravagant and spotless bathroom as I took a shower in my bareness. At first, I was a bit skeptical about using Arden's shower, toilet and everything else but everything was just so clean. Unlike her bedroom, her bathroom was spotless with not a speck of dust or dirt anywhere. It was like it had never been used or as if it was up for auction. Everything sparkled, glimmered and shined. The only downside about the bathroom was that it was very modern. It took me the longest time to figure out how to flush the toilet. The toilet didn't have a tank and it basically appeared to be held up by just the atmosphere but of course it was connected to a wall. However, there wasn't a flusher which caused me to be highly confused. After a while of just waving my hands all over the toilet to find a sensor it finally flushed. The sink was fancy but thankfully it was easy enough to operate.

I found some cloths from a stack of clean linens and got into the shower. That's when it took me about five minutes to find out just how to turn on the water and how to actually make it hot. Arden sure did like complicated stuff but I guess she was just splurging on the most luxurious things since she had such a sum of money. The soap that Arden had was definitely men's soap so for the remainder of the day I would have to smell just like her, but I didn't really mind. She smelled marvelous. There was something more than a certain type of soap or cologne although, it was more of a natural scent.

As the water pelted on my skin and the soap slid down my body, I began humming. Singing or humming in the shower was something that I did just about every time that I took a shower. It has always been a habit. When I was younger, my parents would bang on the bathroom door and tell me to keep it down because I would sing so loud. I would be in the shower singing my heart out and I'd sing so deafening that I'd wake up Petra—who was then a baby—out of her slumber. Needless to say, I wasn't the favorite child. My parents treated all of us equally, but of course Petra got the babied since she was the youngest and since Rose was so accomplished she kind of outshined everyone. I was just the average daughter. Mom would always call me her arany virágszál which meant golden flower, although. That caused a bit of jealousy between my two sisters. Even if I wasn't the youngest or smartest, I still got my moments when my parents seemed to favor me the most and those moments stuck with me like glue.

"If only your voice was just as beautiful as your body." I snapped out of my thoughts and my eyes opened wide. Instantly, I tried to cover every part of me but of course it was impossible. Behind me, Arden stood in the nude just like me with a teasing smirk on her lips. I glanced my eyes down to our feet to keep myself from gawking at her. "I need a shower too, kitten. Don't worry. I won't touch you. I won't even look at you." Arden closed her eyes tight and tried to feel around for the shampoo. I laughed as she ended up nearly falling down from trying to grab air. "F-ck, can we just agree that we all have the same parts and it's okay to look," she asked with her eyes still fastened shut.

My eyes scanned her perfect body up and down. She was pretty fit to be a rapper. Her body could actually belong to an athlete. I bit my lower lip a bit timidly before letting out a sigh. "Fine, you can open your eyes," I told her and her eyes opened instantly. Those unique eyes of hers scanned my body just like I had scanned hers when she couldn't see me. My cheeks flushed and I turned around so my bum was facing her.

I could literally feel her eyes on my skin. "Why'd you turn around? You can look. You can touch too if you want," she suggested. My body didn't have to turn to face her to know that she was giving me a suggestive smirk. I could hear it all in her voice. How did I even get here? Just yesterday, I was dating Ellie and now I was single and taking a shower with an Australian rapper who just may be sex obsessed. My decisions have been quite poor lately but I'd be telling a fib if I was to say all of this didn't give me some kind of rush. Taking a shower with a stranger and letting them look at my body, it just made me feel bad, in a good way.

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