11. Strike!

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In the morning, I woke up with my arms still holding the wild Arden Scott. Her eyes were closed and she was snoring very lightly. When she was asleep she was so adorable and seemed so peaceful. As soon as her eyes opened, I knew it'd all change. I kissed her temple softly and she didn't budge. Slowly, and as quietly as I could, I stood up from the bed. Last time I spent the night over Arden's place, I had to take a shower with her. That wasn't happening this morning although.

Don't get me wrong. I enjoyed getting to see soap and water drip down her nude body, but it was all too tempting. I could only take so much before I gave into her sensual ways. Last night when I jumped on her and began kissing her, it was on purpose but also because I couldn't contain myself. She was no good but still I wanted every inch of her. I knew when I first laid eyes on her in that smoke filled studio that she would be nothing but trouble.

Since Arden was asleep and I had no way to get home—I didn't have money for a cab and the bus at this time of the day was almost unbearable—I decided to go ahead and get a shower out of the way. I went back into Arden's familiar bathroom, stripped and hopped into the shower. Hopefully, she wouldn't wake up and try anything. I washed away the scent of marijuana that had stayed on me from last night as I thought about was Ellie was doing. I hoped she wasn't too upset. I never meant to hurt her but this time I learned my lesson. Thanks to Arden, I got out of the relationship but I was never going to jump into a relationship ever again for the other person's sake. It's not fair for them or me either.

After the shower, I went back into Arden's room with a towel wrapped around me. She was still sleeping peacefully and I began searching her wardrobe for something to wear. Everything she had was so guyish. I settled for a plain black t-shirt and a pair of jeans that fit me loosely. When I walked back out of the wardrobe, I found Arden finally sitting up and awake. She was smoking one of her marijuana induced joints. When she saw me, her eyes widened a little as smoke came from her lips. After a while, a sly smirk appeared on her face. "You look like such a dyke," she told me before chuckling.

"It's your clothes," I argued as I crossed my arms with a bit of insecurity. Arden ran her fingers through her messy, short locks before taking a final hit from the joint before putting it out. "You're the one who dresses like a guy," I finally shot back a lame comeback. Her dressing like that was actually a turn on.

"If you want to insult me then you have to come harder than that. I'm made of steel, unlike you, kitten." Arden stood up from the bed and stretched before me. I rolled my eyes at her in annoyance of how she looked so good after just waking up. "Why don't you go downstairs? I'm sure the chef has already cooked something for breakfast. If not, he's fired. I'll meet you down there after I get ready, kitten."

"Stop calling me kitten," I grumble at her stubbornly. I didn't want to admit that I kind of liked the pet name coming out of her lips. That accent just drove me wild. Arden didn't say a word, but she smirked as she brushed past me and into her bathroom.

She was right. Her chef wasn't present but food was placed on the counter in containers. It was enough to feed around five people. Why did her chef cook so much for one person? Maybe he was used to Arden having guests or something. I looked through her cabinets to find plates and silverware. Instead I found a bunch of stuff that normal people wouldn't keep in their kitchen. One cabinet was stocked up with a bunch of bags of marijuana, another was nothing but shot glasses and one was just empty liquor bottles. I shook my head at her lifestyle and opened up a drawer. Finally! Silverware! Now, where were the darn plates?!

By the time I found everything I needed and actually sat down at the table, Arden walked into the kitchen. She came sauntering in as if she was on a fashion runaway. Today she was wearing something really laid back. A simple white t-shirt and black joggers. She probably wasn't planning on doing anything today or she just didn't care what she wore today in general. Either way, she made something so simple look so good. She made lounging attire look sexy and daring. Arden Scott was one in a kind.

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