13. Grillz

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Arden and I had been hanging out for nearly two months. Every single day I spent with her seemed crazier than the other. By this point, we were really good friends but at the same time, it was like we were a bit more than that. It was almost like we were dating but not quite. We hadn't had sex, but on occasion I had masturbated for her a few times. She actually joined in and played with herself a couple of times as well. You would think it would be weird, but it was honestly calming. It was just like doing it all by yourself in your bedroom, but you had someone to coach you and cheer you on. Touching yourself in front of someone like her was edgy and pretty f-cking sexy. From the looks of it, Arden hadn't opened her mouth to anyone about it either so that was great.

Thanks to being affiliated with Arden, although, I did gain more fame. A lot more fame. My Twitter followers skyrocketed millions, and people began acknowledging my work. Different people wanted me modeling in their fashion shows or for their products. I was getting so busy that I had to turn down some. It was amazing because in a way, Arden did make me more famous but at the same time, it was my work that drew people in. Arden could promote me all she wanted to, but if people didn't like my work then they weren't going to offer me a damn thing, but obviously my work was exceptional. Not to be cocky or anything, but it was a simple fact.

Being with Arden got me exposure, but also got me a bunch of hate. Lots of girls was jealous of just how much time I spent with Arden. There were always candid photos of us out shopping, clubbing or dining, and honestly, most people thought we were dating. Arden going on interviews and never denying anything didn't make things better either. She said she liked keeping the media alert and thirsty for answers, so sometimes she left questions unanswered. So, basically, in the media's eyes we were dating, thanks to Arden. To make their assumptions seem even more accurate, Arden suggested that we head to the Teen Choice Awards tonight...together.

Even though Ellie hated both of our guts, she got someone to deliver Arden her custom outfit. And let me tell you, Arden looked damn good in it. She had pulled up to my house in the back of a limo, looking like a million bucks as she sipped straight from a wine bottle. When she saw me, a smile spread across her face, showing off the golden fangs she had decided to wear tonight. I really wanted to kill her because I had them in my mouth as well. She thought that we should actually match for the awards show, which once again, only made media think we were dating even more. I thought the grills for your teeth thing was lame but Arden encouraged me that it was sexy. I guess she was right since I nearly lost it every time she wore hers.

Even though there were plenty of seats in the back of the stretched limo, Arden motioned for me to sit beside her. I did as told and soon the limo began driving off. The rapper was just looking at me as if she was observing how well I looked. It was a bit intimidating, but I was also checking her out. Her outfit fitted her so perfectly, and it was nice that Ellie put all of her effort into it even if she didn't like Arden. "You look stunning, little Budapest," she finally said after a while of just staring at me.

A bit of a shy smile came across my features. We were staring right into each other's eyes and I wasn't sure how I should have felt. At the moment, my stomach was doing somersaults and my breath was hindered. The way she looked at me just did something to me. It was pathetic of me to be so drawn into her.

To make things even worse, Arden leaned in and pressed her lips against mine. Random kisses from her were pretty frequent and tempting but they never really led to anything. They were usually instant and short lived. Every once in a while, although, there would be some close calls. This was one of those short, innocent kisses. It ended almost as soon as it was initiated. "Are you nervous about your first ever award show, kitten," she asked me as she took my hand in hers. Why was she being so sweet tonight? I was going to question her, but then I decided that I liked being treated like this all too well to ruin it.

Wild Thing (Lesbian Story) (GirlxGirl)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें