24. A-Team

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Arden's family were all around the yard, enjoying themselves in the hot, summer heat. They continuously came up to speak to Arden and also to introduce themselves to me. Everyone in her family was extremely friendly, especially the children. One of the little girls, Lillie, wouldn't stop following me around at one point. She was an adorable four year old who wasn't only infatuated with me, but Arden as well. It was like all of Arden's other little cousins weren't even existent and Lillie just wanted to play with us.

"As you can see half of my family are alcoholics," Arden told me with a slight laugh as we sat down at a picnic table in the backyard. Lillie climbed onto Arden's lap immediately and began grooming her hair, which was still messed up from the little encounter her sister had walked in on. "They drink as if it's going out of style." Half of her family was truly intoxicated off their asses at the moment so she wasn't lying. Nearly every adult had a beer in their hand. It made me wonder how exactly they were all going to get home safely.

"Don't worry. My family is just as bad, plus your family are all so sweet. They're nothing like you," I teased her as I pushed her shoulder lightly. Arden laughed, but Lillie gave me a threatening look for pushing her cousin. I put my hands up to tell the lovable little girl that I surrendered and that I wouldn't harm her big cousin again. She gave me a wide smile to let me know that she forgave me and I smiled back.

"Please! My family wishes they could be as good as me! I'm like a saint," my girlfriend told me sarcastically. We both knew that was a complete fib. Arden was so far from a saint that it was unbelievable. Fed up with the lies or just with us, Lillie hopped off Arden's lap and ran away to play with the other kids. "She's the cutest thing ever! Do you want kids?"

I shivered at the thought of actually having children. Kids were usually adorable and I enjoyed being with them but not for long periods of times. They were just so much work. You had to make sure they were cleaned, fed and in well health. It was a whole thing. "I don't know. Right now since I'm so young, it sounds like a ton of hard work but maybe in the future I won't feel that way. What about you?" I couldn't see Arden being anyone's parent but I decided to ask her anyways.

"Hell yeah! I want tons of kids! Like ten!"

"Are you popping them out!?"

"No, you are," she told me with a mischievous smile. "And all of their names are going to start with an A. They'll be Arden Jr. Amy. Alex. Aiden. Apple. Areola. Anus. Abomination. Anti-depressant. And most importantly, probably my favorite future child, Alcohol."

"First, there's no way I'm giving birth to anyone when I can barely handle my menstrual cramps! Second, we're not naming any of our children any of those names! Especially not Anti-depressant!"

"Not even Alex? I think that's a cute name, kitten."

"Too common." Arden frowned but the frown was wiped away when I kissed her lips softly.

"You're lucky I love you," she mumbled. "I think my names are phenomenal. What would you name our children, hm?" That was actually a good question. I had no names on the top of my head because I never thought about the idea. When I gave her my thinking face and didn't say anything in over thirty minutes, she yelled in my face, "Exactly! My names are the sh-t!"

"Nyugodj meg, kicsim," I told her softly.

"I don't know what that means but it made me really f-cking horny," Arden voiced. I laughed out loud, she was doing the exact opposite of what I had told her to do. She licked her lips as she looked at me up and down. "What's so funny, huh?"

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