2. I Ship, I Sink

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Ellie began driving me home after we left the studio. She had to make calls and get everything ordered for Arden's specific and spectacular outfit. Nothing but adverse words came out of Ellie's mouth about the rapper as she drove down the avenue. "I can't believe she blew smoke in my face! She's so f-cking rude! The thing is since she's such a big superstar, and since everyone loves her and people come to her parties every night, she thinks she can just control me. She thinks I'm a wimp. Am I a wimp, Mira? I think not!" I blocked out Ellie's ranting and I thought about who she was complaining about. Arden was just so alluring. The way she carried herself as if she didn't care but also with style was such a turn-on. Ellie was so preppy with her attire, and everything on her was crisp to the socks. Everything matched on her body and each pair of clothing in her closet had to be in season. The rapper's flavor of style was the very antithesis to my girlfriend's. Arden wore what she wanted. She knew exactly what she wanted and she seemed to be willing to go to extremes for whatever she wanted.

I really wanted to go to the party tonight. Just one time, I wanted to feel alive. My hair had been pent up for too long and it was time to let it down and finally breathe. "Can we go to the party tonight," I asked Ellie once she finally shut her trap. When she began talking, most of the time, there wasn't any stopping her. Usually, I just blanked out in my own little world when she conversed about fashion and other people. Most people would think since I was a model, that I'd be attentive in everything fashion that she had to say, but sometimes her discussions got exhausting and primitive. Ellie didn't say a word and looked straight ahead towards the Los Angeles traffic. "Please, Ellie. We never do anything fun," I beseeched.

A glower came from my girlfriend as she glanced over to me with wounded feelings. "What do you mean by 'we don't ever do anything fun'? We have sex, that's fun!" My eyes looked up and faced my eyelids before I turned to look out of the passenger's window. Sex with Ellie was not fun nor satisfactory. She was too predictable and a one trick pony, but I'd never tell her that. The sex wasn't why I was with her. The way she treated me sweetly and her sensitive nature was the ideas that kept me with her. Even though she sometimes talked a bunch of trash about people, she could find some sympathy in her heart. Sometimes she would do a good deed, like donate to a charity or help some up and coming designers into Hollywood. "Remember last night? You really liked last night. I thought it was fun. You like when I do 'the thing.'"

"I don't like it when you do 'the thing'," I finally confessed to Ellie. 'The thing' was when Ellie licked my armpits. She thought it was sexy and risky, but it was disturbing and unnecessary. Someway she got off on it, so I never said anything but now it had slipped out. Ellie glowered and she scratched the back of her head. "It's just really weird, Ellie."

"Well, I thought you liked it," she said faintly. I exhaled harshly. I had hurt her feelings.

"Ellie, I'm sor-"

"No, if you want to go to the party, then we can go to the party. I'll show you my fun side since I'm obviously a boring and weird girlfriend." I groaned at her sensitiveness—sometimes that was a negative. Ellie pulled in front of my home and I leaned over to kiss her cheek. "We'll head over to the party around nine," she told me before giving me a small smile. Of course, she was still a bit pissed off and hurt because of me but she tried her best to hide it. "Please, don't wear anything too revealing, sweetheart."

I nodded my head. "Okay, baby. I'll see you later." After pecking Ellie's lips a couple of times, I got out of her car and headed towards my house. When I got in, a television was playing loudly and I heard my youngest sister, Petra, laughing. "Another marathon of Jersey Shore, huh," I asked her as I sat beside her on the couch. "You're going to watch that show so much that you're going to become a guidette." Petra giggled and laid her head on my shoulder. My sisters and I were super close. Well, all of my family and I were truly thick as thieves. My family was so amiable and I was thankful for that. At the age of fifteen, I came out of the closet and they actually congratulated me. When we moved, my cousins cried for hours and begged us not to go, but they knew America would be my breakthrough and it was a good move.

Wild Thing (Lesbian Story) (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now