Sweet Oil (Nuzi)

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REQUEST FROM: Jalexandra

Oil was the driving force behind everything disassembly drones did, it was their saviour from overheating and the only thing that brought them pleasure, the sweet taste prevented death and allowed them to feel something. Though there was a little more behind it than that...

At least there was to Serial Designations J, V, and N. This troop of disassembly drones was known for having the strangest dynamic possible. From a serious leader, a violent nutcase, to a golden retriever who was consistently abused. The group was incompatible and somewhat incompetent.

Yet the group was interesting not just for their dynamics, but also how far they seemed to go for oil, valuing and caring for every drop as if it was sacred. Other disassembly drones understood this- oil was needed to survive- but the way J, V and N seemed to treasure their oil was strange.

The truth behind their slight obsession came from a magazine. V had flown back to her pod during the 2nd week on Copper 9 with 'Teen Fantasies' in hand, claiming it was an old human magazine that she found interesting theories inside.

A whole 4 pages were dedicated to something called 'The Twilight Series', which was apparently about vampires (whatever those were), and sex. The article also mentioned a brief history of vampires, and more interestingly a supposed theory about the original Dracula.

According to the magazine, in an old passage written about vampires 100s of years ago back on Earth, that part of the reason why vampires drank blood was loneliness- that they were tasting the blood to try and find someone who would love them. Essentially, the sweeter the blood, the stronger the attraction shared.

At first J called this rubbish and N was confused by the big words, but V pointed out how similar vampires and disassembly drones were, even mentioning how different oil tasted when it came from different people. It still took a while to convince J that this was legit, but N believed V quickly and got excited to find the sweetest oil possible.

"You'll get him killed" J claimed, watching N leap from the spire clumsily in a race to find his 'soulmate', V simply snickered and loosely pet J's head "Sure...you're just lonely".

Eventually even J ended up falling for the same nonsense as N, though she was much less obvious about it, instead of trying to talk to workers like he was J would bite them see how sweet their oil was- if it wasn't pure sweetness? Then they died. N was a bit more generous and apologised for wasting their time before he made it quick.

Time flew by, and N was grounded by J for allowing a group of workers to escape, he was to stay in the pod alone with a small amount of rations until V came home from wherever she flew off to. On this day however, N wouldn't end up alone.

While gently licking the oil off a deceased drones arm on top of the pod's roof, N reminisced on his failed attempts to find sweet oil, nothing he ever drank could be counted as sweet. In fact most of it was sour. N was also upset due to earlier that week when he quickly took a napkin coated in V's oil and licked it, expecting at least some kind of flavour to hit his tongue, but the oil was bland- he and V weren't soulmates.

As much as N tried to think of other things, his mind constantly wandered back to love, he really wanted to find someone to care about him. Someone he could give everything too, and wouldn't mind his slightly overbearing love language.

Just as N prepared for another depressing sleep, he could hear footsteps nearby, sounded close but quiet- definitely a worker.

I've got nothing to loose.

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