MD Vampire AU Part 17

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Four vampires stood awkwardly in a cave, the alpha clutching the hand of the smallest, while the oldest female sighed and the other kept her head down- as she had just received her largest berating yet.

"So, here's the thing, Uzi is part of the group now- whether certain people like it or not- she's also my soulmate, and that cannot be changed" N announced, breaking the silence. He glanced at V, but she kept her head down as he talked, it was hard to tell if she was ashamed or just annoyed.

J nodded at N "So, what exactly is the plan then? Do we have one?" She queried, sounding genuinely curious rather than judgemental.

N scratched the back of head with his free hand "Well, I reckon we should keep looking for Doll, since she's clearly powerful and out for something". J & Uzi nodded while V stayed silent and still, an awkward moment passed before J spoke again "Can I talk alone with Uzi for a second?".

Both N and Uzi nodded before J led her away, N looked uncomfortable at the idea of being alone with V so J suggested he go raid the corpses for spare blood. V opened her mouth as he left but didn't say anything, it seemed she didn't have words.

When J had led Uzi to the exit of the cave, she sat down and pointed towards the wall behind Uzi, suggesting she lean on that. For a moment neither said anything until J sighed and bluntly stated "V and N were soulmates back when we humans, N may have forgotten but I don't think V has or ever will, the fact his new soulmate is you implies that all the dynamics have changed".

Uzi took it all in "So humans have soulmates?" She questioned, now understanding partly why V was so possessive of N, he was destined to be hers once.

Now he's yours...

"Of course humans have soulmates, they just don't get as obvious signs, you kinda have to have a moment of realisation" J explained, scoffing slightly at Uzi's ignorance. Making the recent vampire tilt her head, slightly annoyed at J's attitude "Do you have one?" Uzi asked, teasing slightly.

J didn't react how Uzi expected, she was predicting J to snap or mumble an insult, but instead her face just fell. If Uzi was reading the expression right, then J was upset, thinking about something that wasn't real. "I did, but they're gone now" J explained, eyes slightly damp.

Uzi felt her lip quivering, J had a soulmate? Did they die? Who were they?

"I...I..." Uzi stuttered, seeing how she'd messed up. J sighed to steady herself and looked back at Uzi "V messed up for sure, but she can't escape her urges, being someone's soulmate means you crave them unconditionally- V literally is starving for N and he's not feeding her" J finished, standing up. Uzi nodded as she took in J's words, so V experienced the same hunger as she did for N? That explained a lot.

How are we supposed to fix this? We can't work together if V literally can't resist my boyfriend.

The realisation of options hit Uzi quick, and she looked up at J to see if she was correct, the older vampire nodded.

In order to stop V from being hungry for N, they had two options:

1.They find her a new soulmate, since if N can have a new one, so can she.

2. They let her eat, they let her have N just enough to keep her from loosing her mind.

Obviously Uzi favoured the first, she didn't want to share N at all and figured he probably wouldn't like the second option much himself, but where could they find a soulmate for V? She couldn't be trusted with a human right?

As if reading Uzi's mind, J explained "Even the most ruthless vampires can relent biting if they truly love someone, V would be controlled for a human if they were her soulmate".

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