Guardian Angel Part 6

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N sat peacefully on Uzi's bed, legs swinging as he imagined the next stage of answering her letter, she wanted love & happiness- love would take a while- but happiness could be brought easy.

The angels logic was simple: If Uzi wanted to be happy, then she needed to loose the things making her sad, which was mainly one particular person- the ugly ponytailed brat.

Uzi coughed, making N turn quickly, she had left to get changed into Pyjamas. While they'd got changed together this morning she seemed less comfortable with him after the outburst.

It's fair enough, I was a completely different guy.

Yet N couldn't see what was wrong with what he said. Lizzy deserved to be punished and no other drone would do it, and surely it was natural to be possessive over friends? Uzi's fear didn't make sense to him, but it concern him, she couldn't be happy if she was scared of her guardian angel.

"I'm sorry about lunch...I just can't hold back when people act so pointlessly mean, it makes no sense to me- I shouldn't have got possessive though- that was wrong" N apologised, genuinely upset that he'd scared Uzi, he didn't actually regret anything he did to Lizzy.

Uzi sighed and sat beside N on the bed, the angel felt his heart race as she lent on him, nuzzling her head under his arm. "I think we should discuss boundaries, but we can do it tomorrow, for now let's just go to sleep- we've got PE tomorrow" Uzi mumbled, eyes already flickering as she felt heavier on N.

Smiling softly, N scooped Uzi up in his arms and placed her on her side of the bed, lying gently back on his.

In only a few minutes Uzi was asleep, and N couldn't help but admire her slightly, she was far more beautiful than he'd previously noticed. In N's defence- he never payed any attention to physical attractions- his desires were all in regard to personality.

Yet Uzi broke that pattern, with her purple hair softly falling on her bright eyes as she slept, N found himself picturing her in the sun- her metal gleaming.

She already looks stunning...even the female angels can't compare.

Admitting that infront of his colleagues would get him killed and banished to hell, yet N would say it proudly if asked, when did he become so attached to this drone?

Uzi mumbled in her sleep, making N panic slightly, she was shaking- words like no and sorry slipped out of her mouth a dozen times. It was terrifying for the angel to see her so distressed.

Without much thought, N turned Uzi to be facing him more, and pulled her into his arms. She shook for a moment longer, but then slowly seemed to sooth into his embrace. N felt himself heat up, but refused to move at all, she was in his arms.

She's in my arms.

N held her close as the mumbling stopped, feeling his own digital eyes get heavy, he kept his hands at her waist as he fell asleep.

Hours passed, and Uzi's alarm went off as usual, she slept surprisingly well despite starting off with a nightmare. It almost felt like she was being held through the night by a cozy teddy bear.

Well, that was half true.

Uzi opened her digital eyes and saw she was looking at a plain black T-Shirt, one of her Dad's old ones that she lent to-
The realisation hit quick, and Uzi looked up as fast as she could, sure enough N was holding her close to his chest with his hands secured on her waist. They were cuddling.

They. Were. Cuddling.

Panicking as blush overtook her visor, Uzi shoved N away, waking him up.

The worker drone was expecting N to be surprised by the cuddle and either get embarrassed or blush slightly. Instead N just looked a little sad about it.

"Oh...sorry, it seemed to help last night when you were sleep talking" N sounded genuinely heartbroken, which he partly was, cuddling Uzi was amazing! But if she didn't like it he'd never do it again.


Uzi thought about what N said and tried to hide the worst of her blush, "You should have just left me alone, I get nightmares a lot" she said.

N noticed how she refused to meet his eyes, instead seeming to find her stomach more interesting, but they both knew she was blushing. "I didn't want you to struggle Uzi" N said, sighing a little as he sat himself up.

"Figured" Uzi yawned as she sat up herself and checked the time. It was early, but it would be hard to go back to sleep now, the shock of N's cuddle had woken her up completely.

Anxiously the worker looked at N again, who was ruffling his white hair where he sat, he looked a little bit...bigger.

Uzi was roughly 4'8, average workers were 5' ish, N was always above average at 5'7 or just above.

He almost looks 6 foot now- has he grown?! How-why?!?

N noticed Uzi staring and smiled softly "May I go for a walk before school? There's something I'd like to handle on my own" his voice was even sweeter than normal. Before Uzi had trusted that sweet tone blindly, but after what happened yesterday, she was anxious.

"Well actually N..I was hoping we could talk now, about boundaries and stuff" Uzi explained, nervously shuffling off the bed.

For a second N looked upset and Uzi's request, but then pulled his endless smile back on, clapping his hands slightly together while he nodded.

Sighing in relief at his obedience, Uzi gestured for N to sit beside her on her side of the bed, which he did happily. "Okay...N, I think we need to handle certain people alone, like dealing with Thad- and I genuinely don't want us to work on my dad until last thing- unless angel law says we have to do him first" Uzi requested, making N smile softly again.

N silently considered Uzi's words, and subconsciously felt his arm leave his side to wrap around her, not that either of them really payed attention to it. "I understand, but do you mind telling me more about your relationship with Lizzy?"

Uzi groaned, she saw this coming, of course he'd want to try and redeem Lizzy- he was an angel after all.

That's not when N was trying to do. N had no interest in redeeming that unholy hunk of scrap, he wanted to know if Uzi would be upset at all by her death, not that Lizzy had value in any way.

"She was decent when we were young, but after she became cool, she decided to start picking on me since I wasn't- and she got Thad and all my friends to prefer her over me" Uzi confessed this with a clear pain in her voice.

That monster.

N felt a raging urge in his systems, but stayed put, Uzi wanted to talk- he could do his duty later.

How could she-

Uzi is far superior to-

Lizzy deserves to suffer.

Killing Lizzy? That would be nice- but wouldn't give Uzi the satisfaction of watching her suffer- it would be better to have her be treated the same way Uzi was all these years.

But how?

"N? I don't know what you're thinking but we have to leave now- you've been in a trance for like 10 minutes"

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