MD Vampire AU Part 18

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"So V literally can't help but be attracted to me?" N questioned, Uzi had decided to get the difficult conversation out of the way quick, honestly she didn't want it on her mind anymore.

Sighing, Uzi lent on N's arm, "J implied that the only real options were to either find V another soulmate, or to let her quench her hunger".

Both vampires looked at each with raised eyebrows, it was pretty obvious what 'quench her hunger' meant, since vampires literally felt hunger for their soulmate. In order to make V completely 'full', they'd probably have to let her do a lot, probably go all the way. N looked away embarrassed at the idea of having to do the deed just to keep V fed, how long would it even last? Would it even last?

Would he have to 'feed' both Uzi and V? While he loved Uzi she definitely required a lot of attention- if V was half that needy as well he'd constantly be exhausted.

"Let's try and find V another soulmate, that's the preferable option right?" N determined, looking at Uzi for confirmation, his small girlfriend nodded and fiddled with her fingers. Obviously she hated the idea of sharing N, but the she knew that finding a new soulmate was going to be difficult, and would probably take months. In that time V could loose control again, be unable to keep her hands of N.

Could we give her enough to buy some time? Uzi thought, maybe if V was allowed a bit of time with N, then she'd have had a good enough snack for a while.

As if reading Uzi's mind, N interrupted her idea "I don't think giving her too much attention is a good idea Uzi, it honestly just might make her hungrier- it's kinda all or nothing with vampires".

Another minute passed and N stood up, holding a hand out for Uzi, "We should get back to the others". Nodding, the short vampire took her alphas hand and allowed his to lead her away, still battling ideas in her mind.

They reached the cave within half an hour, and were greeted by J, who seemed in a cheerful mood after finding her preferred flavour of blood (O-). V was shaking at N's arrival, but remained silent as she sipped some A+ she had gathered earlier, trying not to look at Uzi's face.

Again, Uzi tried to read if V was ashamed or just annoyed, but all she could get from V's face was desperation, the poor vampire was starving for her soulmate- and he had someone else.

Feeling pitiful, Uzi looked up at N, he looked back and the two exchanged a silent discussion.

Uzi: Talk to her.
N: Uzi I'm not really comfortable plus you-
Uzi: Just say something, any attention will help feed her affection for now, please N.
N: Only for you Uzi

"Hey V, how did the hunt go?" N asked, sounding awkward as he attempted his usual chipper voice. The effect was instant as V looked up surprised, smiling slightly for what was likely the first time in days, she turned to N and replied quietly "It went great, thanks N".

Despite feeling awkward before, N smiled at how much he'd managed to cheer V up, both J and Uzi smiled triumphantly as well.

With the mood improved, the group agreed to go hunt for Doll in woods like before, since Uzi still couldn't fly she was to stick on N's back for the flight there. V kept her small smile as they flew, glancing at N every once in a while, purposefully ignoring Uzi on his back.

Truth was V still partly in denial about Uzi being N's soulmate, as long as he was hers- it didn't make sense for someone else to have him. Even if Uzi was his soulmate- could she still stand a chance? Just enough to quench her hunger. That would be enough, though of course she craved more, a lot more.

This isn't you V... you know it isn't.

Despite V arguing with herself, she knew it was a helpless case, as long as she was a vampire she'd have a soulmate, and as long as that soulmate was N she'd crave him. Desire him. Need him.

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