"I'm not gay!" (Dizzy)

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Just saying I used google translate for Dolls lines- sorry if they're not actually accurate.

Lizzy was one of, if not the most popular drone in school. Her dad was the principal and pretty well off- giving her power above other pupils. Plus she was considered pretty attractive in the drone world, having dated all the popular boys at least once each.

But none of those relationships made it far, because as hard as she tried- Lizzy couldn't really get into it.
She could kiss them blandly, but felt nothing as she did, and whenever they started to show serious signs of affection- Lizzy gave them nothing.

During her brief relationship with Sam, he had confronted her about being so closed off, which led to an argument that became their break up.

The only person who Lizzy let herself feel affection from...was Doll. Despite being 'friends', Lizzy and Doll had snuggled at sleepovers, kissed without complaint on dares...and even had far deeper conversations than anyone would expect Lizzy to have.

It was with Doll that Lizzy had first confided her relationship struggles with. Doll never approved of Lizzy's boyfriends, though never gave a clear reason why, and listened intently when she explained her lack of interest in 'going further' with men.

It was Doll who planted the seed "Ты гей, Лиззи? (Are you gay Lizzy?)"

While she denied it heavily at the time...the idea wouldn't leave her alone, and since Doll had said it, she'd felt even more attracted to her best friend.
Lizzy always thought Doll was hot- but in a 'slay bestie' way...not an 'I love you' way.

Now she wasn't sure. Lizzy glanced down at Doll, who was reading peacefully on the floor of Lizzy's bedroom. Despite almost murdering everyone at Prom, Lizzy had decided to trust her friend again, and allowed her to stay in her room. Sleeping in her bed...cuddling under her blankets....

The blonde drone shook her head, alerting Doll to look up. "Лиззи? С тобой все в порядке? (Lizzy, are you alright?)" Doll asked, genuinely seeming concerned for her friend.
Lizzy nodded and turned away from Doll, but her murderous 'roommate' knew when her friend was lying. She had learnt over the years how to perfectly translate Lizzy's body language. She supposed that's just what happens when you spend so much time looking at someone.

Still, Doll was keen to hear what was on Lizzy's mind "Не ври мне, что случилось? (Don't lie to me, what's wrong?)" Doll asked, climbing onto the bed next to Lizzy. As she scooted next to her Doll noticed the picture of V Lizzy kept on her bedside table, growling slightly at the sight of it. V just kept giving Doll more and more reasons to kill her.

Lizzy noticed Doll glaring at the picture and groaned, shoving Doll lightly "Yield! I'm protecting you aren't I? Jeez your dramatic" her voice was condescending- but playful.

Sighing, Doll looked at Lizzy, the question she asked previously still unanswered. Lizzy noticed her staring and groaned "Ugh fine! I guess I'm feeling a little...weird".
Doll looked at her for clarification, but Lizzy gave none, turning away to look at the floor. Uncertain of how best to comfort her friend, Doll just stared at her, trying to come up with words.

"Я сделал что-то не так? (Did I do something wrong?)" Doll eventually asked, voice softer than it had ever been. It was Lizzy's turn to sigh as she looked at her friend, unable to resist cupping her head slightly. Instinctively Doll reached out for the hand on her face and nuzzled into it. Making both girls blush.

Still, they didn't let go, despite being made of metal- Lizzy could swear she heard a heartbeat. "You haven't done anything okay loser? I'm just in my own head" Lizzy said, looking at Dolls face, which was almost completely in her hand.

Doll looked up at Lizzy, and suddenly pounced- pushing her down into the bed with extreme force.
Both drones were blushing as Doll topped Lizzy, glaring down at her.

Is she corrupted? Am I gonna die?

Nervously, Lizzy tried to move, but found that Doll had pinned down each one of her limbs with her own. "Скажи мне правду, Лиззи! (Tell me the truth Lizzy!" Doll demanded, looking right at Lizzy's eyes, challenging her to stay quiet. Lizzy's visor was completely pink, and she couldn't think of any words, all she could think about was Doll.

The worker was terrified- how was she supposed to respond to this? What did Doll expect her to say?

"I was wrong...you're way hotter than V" Lizzy panted.


Doll's eyes hollowed, but then filled out again. Slowly, she lowered herself to be lying on top of Lizzy, who couldn't resist wrapping her arms around her.

"Ты гей, не так ли, Лиззи (You're gay aren't you Lizzy)" Doll stated as a fact. Lizzy sighed "Probably, but if I tell everyone, what's gonna happen?"
The Russian drone glanced at her friend's visor and felt her eyes hollow again. Lizzy had tears forming as she scrunched up her eyes- she was actually scared...

Doll nuzzled into the crook of Lizzy's neck "Не все оставят тебя (Not everyone will leave you)" she mumbled. Lizzy sighed again, and fiddled with Dolls hair, "You better not, since it's you I'm gay for" she joked. Doll smiled at Lizzy, but deep down questioned if Lizzy meant it.

As if reading Dolls mind, Lizzy answered "I mean it".

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