MD Vampire AU Part 28

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"Azzy, Millie, Hailey, Luna, Nori, Kiera and Juniper?" N questioned, analysing the names Uzi had placed in front of him. He was still recovering in  the hospital, but was able to talk again and sit up enough to read, Uzi was fully better and came in everyday to visit and give updates on the pregnancy.

Uzi smiled "Yep, but if you want to add more names you can", she'd taken the name suggestions of her closest friends and family and complied them for N. She'd also made a lists of male names and gender neutral names.

N scratched his head "I like Azzy, but I feel like it should be short for something, Kiera sounds nice as well". He had no idea how to name children, especially girls, he wanted a daughter- but naming them was hard.

"Here's the boy list, it's kinda short but I liked the names Arlo & Sunny the most" Uzi explained, holding one of N's hands with her own free one as she handed the paper over. N looked at it and his face lit up "Sunny! I like Sunny! Kinda ironic for a vampire but it's really sweet!"

Uzi smiled brightly, she was hoping he would like that name, Uzi had always found herself deeply connected to it for some reason- despite it not matching her aesthetic or personality at all.

It had been about a week since they'd both been hospitalised, and Uzi's pregnancy seemed to be progressing smoothly, the doctors still warned that one baby was at risk- but the chance of a stillborn seemed to decrease more everyday, so N and Uzi decided to play safe and prepare for two babies.

We need at least 2 girl names and 2 boy names, just incase the babies are the same gender, if not we'll pick our favourite from each.

Uzi had planned the system out, but obviously wanted N to have a say in it, they were his babies after all too. "Well maybe we can have Azzy and Kiera for girls, with Sunny and Arlo for boys?" Uzi offered, but N shook his head.

"Sunny and Arlo works, but I'm not sure if Azzy and Kiera does, maybe we could do Azzy and Luna?" N tried, but Uzi shook her own head. He had a point that Azzy & Kiera didn't really work, but Azzy and Luna didn't sound right either.

N pondered another solution when the door to his room opened, a beaming V marched in, carrying Thad under her arm. Thad looked exhausted, but V seemed completely energised- maybe over energised.

V sat at the foot of N's hospital bed and sat the confused looking Thad on her lap, she grinned at N & Uzi before taking a breath. "Guess who just figured out where Doll is~ and what's wrong with her!" V chirped, almost jumping as she sat making Thad clutch her jacket desperately.

"V...please babe...I'm so tired.." Thad groaned, V seemed to often forget he wasn't nocturnal like the vampires- scratch that- she often forgot he wasn't a vampire at all. She tried to offer him blood one of their first days together as official soulmates.

Uzi smiled at the weak Thad "Maybe Thad should be allowed to sleep first V".

It took a second for V to register exactly what Uzi had said, but when she looked at Thad clutching onto her she immediately felt guilty, she'd been dragging him around helplessly for days- of course he'd be exhausted.

"Thad- oh shit- I'm so sorry" V facepalmed, he was a human, he wasn't built to endure the same hours as her! She was stupid for forgetting that and essentially dragging him into her business. No wonder he was struggling in class!

Thad smiled weakly and nuzzled into V's chest "Just let me sleep here for a bit babe...I'll be fine...keep talking, your voice helps" he croaked, already settling in V's embrace.

V couldn't help but giggle slightly before turning back to N & Uzi, "Alright, me and J went on a blood raid yesterday, and saw Dolly heading into that forest on the East Side, she's still in 'demon' mode or whatever- but seems a bit more controlled- also J thinks it's because she's starving she's like that".

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