The Dog and the Bird Part 2

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N was racing down the forest slope again, panting wildly in dog form, keen to see if his bird friend was still around. V & J hadn't been back for days, and N was lonely more than anything, though he was hungry as well.

Deciding that dog form was tiring him out, N slumped against a tree transforming into human mode, he sighed as he recognised the stone from the other day. He stepped towards it, hoping to suddenly hear-

"Well look who came back?" A familiar voiced teased from above.

Panting, N looked up, spotting his purple haired friend grinning from a branch a few feet above him.

Unable to hold back his excitement, N's tail wagged as his panting grew louder, earning a proper laugh from Uzi "Alright calm yourself puppy" she chimed.

The second Uzi jumped down N grabbed her and pulled her into a tight hug, making Uzi blush, but she was too weak in his arms to escape. A part of her didn't really want to escape either. She could feel N nuzzling slightly into her neck with his tail dangerously wagged behind them.

Uzi smiled and nuzzled her head onto Ns, grabbing one of the hands wrapped around her waist and gripping it tight. "Happy to see me, puppy?" Uzi teased, feeling warmth from Ns embrace.

Her doggy friend loosened his grip and grinned at Uzi, turning her to be facing him, "Of course I am! I've never had a real friend before!" N laughed, genuinely delighted.

The small girl snickered at the word 'friend', she'd literally kissed him before, yet he claimed innocence? She'd help him drop the act. "Oh really? What's the rest of the pack like then?" Uzi asked, faking innocence while looking up at N. The dog raised an eyebrow "They can be mean sometimes, J especially, I've never had anyone be nice to me before you".

So that's why he thinks this is friendship.

Smirking slightly, Uzi used N's arms to lift herself up, eventually sitting on them and wrapping her own around his neck. Without a word she gently kissed both of Ns cheeks, earning a goofy grin back from the dog. "Yay!" N chimed, not really sure how else to respond, all he knew was he liked the kisses, and wanted more.

Deciding that he wanted to initiate some contact, N kissed Uzi firmly on her right cheek, making the girl giggle slightly. She reached up with her left hand and scratched at N's head gently, making his tail wag again.

A few minutes passed before N spoke "I have something I want to show you- if you don't mind?"
Uzi nodded and nuzzled into the crook of N's neck, she didn't want him to put her down, and was trying to get that message across to N.

Smiling, N decided he'd just carry Uzi to the location, making large imprints in the mud as he charged forward. Uzi giggled again at N's willingness to keep holding her, and kept petting his head as a reward for his kindness, earning herself more panting back.

It didn't take long before the two reached what seemed to be the entrance of a cave, Uzi looked anxious, she was incredibly far from her tribe.

N noticed Uzi's anxiety and kissed her gently on the forehead "It's okay inside, I promise" he mumbled down at her, lips almost touching hers. Uzi blushed and turned her head away from N's chest "Fine, but you better not do anything dumb in there".

With the okay, N started walking into the cave, yellow eyes glowing brighter as the cave went deeper into darkness. Uzi was still anxious, and N attempted to comfort her the same way she comforted him, but head pats don't work as well on birds.

Feeling Uzi shake, N adjusted her to be at his front, legs wrapped around his face while she rested her head on his shoulder. This was better.

A few minutes of walking later, Uzi saw a flash of colour in the corner of her eye, she glanced up to see N grinning and guiding her head forward.

Uzi turned her neck as saw that they were in an opening, the roof of the cave was gone as they stood in what seemed to a circular garden, complete with plants and a little lake in the centre.

It was a beautiful scene, the forest outside was quite bare and bland, but this little haven? It was colourful and lively.

"I...thank you...N" Uzi replied, amazed by the scenery. She climbed down from N's arms to admire the view, expecting N to do the same, but he wasn't looking at the garden.

Turning back to N, Uzi saw that her puppy was gazing down at her, seeming to be more amazed by his Uzi than the beautiful scenery.

Though she didn't mean to, Uzi couldn't help but gaze back into N's eyes, worshipping his beautiful figure in the shining light cast upon him, it was like some higher being was gifting him perfection.

The two stared at each other for a moment, both waiting to see who'd look away first, who'd give in to themselves.

Uzi stepped forward, encouraging N to lean down towards her, they both opened their mouths but had little to say. Uzi felt her lip quiver and N hands shook, but still be leant down more and placed on hand under Uzi's chin.

They'd kissed before, they'd kissed quite a lot before.
This was different, N wanted it to fell different.

So he kissed her firm on the lips, using his hand to guide her head up, Uzi gave in quick.

They stood locked together for as long as they could hold their breath. Neither wanting to let go.

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