Guardian Angel Part 10

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Thad, Uzi, and N entered the school hall together. N noticed Uzi seemed to be anxiously glancing at him every few minutes. It upset N that she didn't trust him, but he also knew deep down it was justified, he had murdered the classmate they were going out to look for. He could only hope Uzi would understand.

Especially since I'm not finished...not until everyone who brings Uzi misery is eliminated.

The hall was clear, nobody inside and no signs of damage anywhere, N had cleared up the store cupboard and removed any trace of Lizzy.

Uzi pulled N aside, insisting she wanted to talk to him about 'girlfriend' stuff, but instead she shoved N into the corner of the hall and glared at him.

"You were the last person to see Lizzy- you said you knew what state she was in- but you didn't mention anything when you came home said it was angel business" Uzi sniped, she didn't believe N was directly involved involved it what happened, but he was acting shiftier and shiftier by the day.

Before N could come up with a good response, a group of cheerleaders waltzed into the hall, and guess who was conveniently leading the hoard?



"Thad! Hey! What are you doing here on a Saturday?You know the cheerleaders have the gym!" Rebecca chirped, sounding excited but confused, it wasn't often people came to watch cheerleader practice.

Thad smiled softly back at her and gestured for N & Uzi to come forward as well. As they did Rebecca's visor lit up with blush, she was staring at N, who had grown since she'd last saw him- he also appeared leaner and...muscular almost.

Uzi noticed Rebecca's blush and couldn't help but growl slightly, they were only pretend dating (definitely pretend), but N was still her angel.

Since when have I been possessive over N?

Uzi blushed purple at the realisation of what she'd thought and tried to ignore her new possessive inclination, at least until Rebecca said something stupid.

"So...N...are you free to watch a movie at mine at some point? It would be fun~" Rebecca flirted, gazing at N with love in her eyes.

The angel bit his tongue, "Sorry, me and my girlfriend have plans" N explained while gesturing towards Uzi, he was honestly trying to make this as embarrassing and annoying for Rebecca as possible- as she had always made Uzi's life terrible.

Uzi blushed brighter at N calling her his girlfriend, but held it back to snicker at Rebecca, "What a shame I already called dips" Uzi giggled.

It wasn't like Uzi to say such petty things, but she took joy out of seeing not only Rebecca- but her other cruel classmates loose hope of having a chance with the hot new student. Maybe now they'd understand what it was like to be rejected.

N grinned at Uzi's snarky attitude, it was good to see her enjoying herself, seemed she liked getting to put her bullies in their place.

"Well- it doesn't make sense! Why would a cute guy date you?!? Right girls?" Rebecca barked, turning to the rest of the cheer squad, who all nodded in agreement.

Both N & Uzi had to bite their tongues, N was keen to take Rebecca and rip her to shreds, and Uzi was keen to run away again to sob alone.

Thad- luckily- intervened and shoved Rebecca lightly, which was surprisingly aggressive for him. "Seriously Rebecca? Not cool!" He barked, sounding genuinely furious, he wasn't risking his reinstated friendship with Uzi over Rebecca- Thad knew what kind of jerk she was.

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