MD Vampire AU Part 23

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"V went where?" N asked, Uzi stood a few feet behind him, they both had arrived back in the cave to find J lost in thought- though she snapped out of it quick and explained that V had left.

The pigtailed vampire shrugged "Her soulmate was in distress, she couldn't resist the temptation".

Both N and Uzi looked at each other, they'd felt each other's distress before, they knew just how hard it was to fight against. Heck- N would probably kill someone who got in the way of him reaching Uzi when he felt that urge.

Sighing, N decided that hunting for V now would probably not be worth it, they'd exhaust themselves when they didn't even have a clue where she was. V was also the head hunter, she may have been weaker than N in battle, but her skills in hiding & speed were far greater than his. She could handle herself for a while, if she wasn't back in a day or two, then they could panic.

"Actually J, I had two things to ask you anyway" N claimed, making both girls perk up. Uzi only knew about one question, and J had no idea what he could be trying to know. "Can you check if you were soulmates after one dies?" N asked, making Uzi raise an eyebrow and J grimace.

He had to bring up soulmates right after she heard the voice of her dead lover? Of course. This was N after all, the stupid puppy vampire with no sense of responsibility, why Cyn favoured him- she'd never know.

Still, he was the alpha, and so she answered his question promptly "There's a way, you need a picture of the deceased & the blood of their lover, if the blood stains the image- than it's not a soulmate- if it makes a ring around their face than it's a soulmate".

N nodded with a smile, he'd inform Khan of this method later, but now he had to ask the second question. "Is it normal to crave pregnancy? As part of the soulmate bond?" N asked, nervously looking down at Uzi as he did.

J smirked, of course it had already started, Uzi was craving pregnancy already- vampire babies couldn't be far behind~ oh she was looking forward to being a great influence on her hypothetical niece or nephew.

"Yep, as the soulmate of the alpha, she's expected to make babies for you" J replied, smiling at the concern on her fellow vampires faces, clearly they were both embarrassed. Uzi in particular seemed flustered, the fact that J had used the word 'expected' made it way worse. Like she had to make N babies.

I mean...I want a baby...any child of N's would be amazing to raise.

But Uzi didn't want to make a baby just for the sake of their soulmate bond. If she was going to have a baby she wanted it to be for the right reasons.

N squeezed Uzi's hand and smiled down at her, "We'll talk it through, for now I should tell Mr Doorman about the soulmate thing- not the baby part obviously".

The group was still worried about V, but they all had other things on their mind, J still pondering the voice she'd heard- while N and Uzi had to consider what the next step of this 'baby' thing was.

N and Uzi sat on the edge of the cave, Uzi curled up sweetly in N's lap while his legs swung off the ledge, J had flown away with the excuse she wanted to think alone.

The taller vampire had his arms wrapped tightly around his soulmate while she made herself as small as possible. She enjoyed having N wrapped around her- it was her safe space.

" do you feel about having a baby now?" N asked, nervously glancing at Uzi, if she really wanted one- he'd give it to her- but maybe J had changed her mind?

Uzi sighed and somehow made herself appear even smaller in N's embrace, she'd be hidden if you looked from any angle other than down, her adorable sigh in her tiny form made N's heart race.

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