"Whats a spark?" (Envy)

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V woke up hanging upside down as always. She peaked open an eye on her visor and saw that N wasn't on his pole beside her.

Probably with the emo microwave

Growling, V let herself down from her pole. She couldn't stand to think about the toaster being alone with N. It had been a few weeks since prom, and Uzi's purple blush hadn't gone unnoticed by V. She knew that the freak liked N, and that he was far too wholesome to notice.

This is CYN all over again

V strolled tiredly into the cockpit of the ship, it was empty aside from some scraps toaster was using yesterday scattered on the floor. V sighed and picked up a few of the pieces, before she could get them all however she heard the pods door opening.

"Hey V! I'm glad you're here- I have to ask you something- about our memories" N purposely said that last part quietly. He knew how V hated thinking of their past, but he also had a question that kept bugging him. N hoped it wouldn't be too invasive or triggering.

V groaned at N, crossing her arms and leaning back on the pilots chair. She raised a digital yellow eyebrow before gesturing for N to continue.

N nervously shuffled in front of her, he had noticed that Vs jacket had slipped a little down on her left shoulder. Normally that wouldn't phase N, but V had an unhealed scar on her shoulder, dried oil still on top, it felt appealing in multiple ways to him.
After a moment of silence V saw where N was looking, and adjusted her sleeve. She glared at N "Creep! Don't look at me that way loser".

Is V...? Blushing? N thought, noticing V turning away.

No way, she'd never blush over me.

N sighed and rubbed the back of his head in apologies. Then he finally asked her what he came home to ask.
"That spark, the one we both had in the hallway at the manor, did it mean something?" N asked, voice shaking slightly. He sounded nervous and desperate, like he had been thinking on this for a while.

V's stone expression fell. That's what he wanted to know? He really didn't get it?

Silence filled the pod as N waited for an answer. V stood in shock, staring at her colleague like he was insane.
Noticing her face, N backed away a step and stuttered an apology, though he didn't really get what he was saying sorry for, he closed his eyes as if expecting abuse.

It never came. Instead he felt a warm body pushed against his, and someone seemed to be nuzzling into him.
Nervous, N opened his eyes and saw V leaning on him. She didn't have her arms around him, instead they fell limply at her sides, like she was asleep.

N felt his visor go completely yellow, she hadn't been this close to him- ever! He'd never felt her on him like this.
Unsure, N lifted one of his hands to touch Vs, but as it was an inch away an electric spark lit up between his hand and hers.

Instantly V snapped out of her trance and looked up at N, placing her hands on his chest. They didn't have much of a height difference, but V was bending her knees as she lent on him, making N seem taller.
Her eyes were brighter than N had seen in years, and yellow hashes covered her visor as blush.

V could feel N shaking with nerves, and she sighed "A spark doesn't have to mean anything, but it can mean you find someone attractive" her voice was firm but low.
Somehow N blushed even harder, and spoke without really thinking "So my feelings cause this?"
The two disassembly drones blushed as they took in what N said.

"I don't deserve it N, give your sparks to somebody else, like the purple hoover" V mumbled, thinking of how poorly she treated N over the years. Her face was mere inches from his chest.

V felt N touch the back of her head, she would normally snap and tell him to go away, but she didn't this time. He ran his fingers down her head, and pushed her slightly closer into his chest.
"I'd rather give everything to you" he whispered.

N placed his hand back on Vs, locking it on his chest, ignoring the slight spark as he did. His other hand wrapped around her waist, pulling her in until she was right in his chest. V flushed, but didn't pull away, she felt safe in his arms. She enjoyed the sound of his core humming, and the feeling of his hands on her.

Looking up, V saw N smiling gently at her with his bright yellow eyes.

Don't do it V. Don't do it.

Without thinking, V grabbed the collar of Ns coat and dragged him into a kiss. The male disassembly drone was shocked, but didn't pull away, actually- he pulled her in more.

They stayed like this for 3 minutes, neither one of them willing to give up. V only stopped when a warning popped up on her and Ns visor.


Slightly shaking, V and N pulled off each other, faces completely yellow. N reached into their reserves and found two contains of worker oil, he handed one to V, while trying not to meet her eyes.

"N, I'm so sorry for how I let you be treated- I was scared of what J would do, and she was already so bad I didn't want to risk-" V's apology was cut short by N, trapping her in another embrace. Tears rolled down both of their visors.

V felt N nuzzle into her neck as he whispered "I still love you, that never changed". V felt the blush return, and she placed her left hand on Ns back.


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